“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Busy Busy

So it's Wednesday again - probably the busiest day of the week for me by a mile.

Because I don't startw ork until 5.30, Wednesday is always the day that I go out and run all those annoying errands that I never have time to do on any other day.

Today it's gonna be the gym, then the ward office to argue about my health insurance (I swear I've paid one month twice), renew my alien registration card, hit up the post office, pay about 150,000 yen's worth of bills, pay my rent (and kiss goodbye to 300,000yen right there), hit the supermarket and then get back home to receive test results from the doctor and hopefully some good news from my other appointment last week.

And then after all of that, I have to head into work until after 9pm.


I've been speaking a lot to people about ways to save money recently. It's common knowledge that I absolutely SUCK at it, but my friend told me that his girlfriend was putting 70,000yen away every month in an account that she didn't touch. 6 years later, she finally updated her passbook and found out that she had over 4 million yen stashed away.

How great a surprise would that be?!

I'm thinking about maybe opening another account and doing the same thing. And then every 6 months sending the whole lot back to the UK and shoving it in an ISA or fixed bond. The crappy thing is the timing for starting those kinda things - I won't be receiving another full pay check until October now, so it's gonna be a bit tight for a few months. I'm already going back to the UK with way less money than I was expecting - I thought about hashing it out at the ward office about the payments for my inhabitant tax, but even if the payments were lower every month, I'd still have to pay the same amount, so for me, I think it's better to just get the payments outta the way as soon as possible. 

And then there's the whole thing with my laziness going to the gym. I have 2 choices, go more, or quit. If I quit, I doubt I'll do any exercise at home - even though I have a whole loada stuff here that I would work out with. I'm paying a fortune every month and only going once or twice at best. I've started to feel more and more guilty about that recently, so I'm gonna try and make it at least twice a week. If I'm feeling lazy or tired, it's better to cut back on one or two lessons than throw that money away. I can make the lessons up at some other point, but I won't receive any of that membership money back.

OK, I'm out. It's gonna be a long day.


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