“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 11 June 2012


OMG I am so annoyed!!

I told you in my last post that my camera decided to give up on me in Guam, right?

So sad.

It was so weird. I was in the hotel room showing my friend some pics on my camera - the low battery warning was flashing, so I took the battery out and charged it. It charged fine - the red light was on while it was charging and then when it was fully charged, the light turned green.

I put it back into my camera, pressed the power button....

....and then nothing!!!

I was so, so gutted. I LOVE my camera - from the colour, to the size, to the touchscreen and to the fantastic quality fo the photos. I spend that whole weekend messing around with it. There was a moment when it made a noise, and all that did was raise my hopes.....only for them to come crashing down again.

I dunno - I thought that one day after I was back, I would be able to press the power button and it would be miraculously working again!

No such luck.

Another friend told me that he has gotten through a couple of lithium batteries for his Canon over the last couple of years, so I really hope it's just the battery that is uffed up, but then again - why would the charging lights come on if the battery wasn't working?!

I'm gonna head into BIC Camera tomorrow and see if they can try another battery in it for me, before I fork out for a new one and then find out it' s not the battery that's the problem.

I really hope I don't have to buy another camera. This one is only 2 years old! And even though it only set me back 30,000yen, I absolutely love it. And it's pink. =( Not only all of that but the fact of the matter is, I simply can't AFFORD to buy a new camera.

This inhabitant tax is really gonna cause me some financial damage. ESPECIALLY since I've got more holiday coming up. I could go down to the ward office and try and get the payments reduced, but all that does is prolong the agony of having to pay it....although it would make the payments more manageable. Either way, you end up paying the same amount. I'm finding it hard to look at the fact that it's so high because I'm doing OK at work in a positive light. All I see is that that's rough 25,000yen less than last year that I can't spend on fabulous things for myself.

Ridiculous that you have to pay such an extortionate amount just to live here. Is it kinda the same as council tax? Actually no, coz council tax is per household, right? This is just some individual sting that they shove on you. Pure EVIL. Daylight ******* robbery.

Not sure what my roommate is paying, but I'm sure it's not as much as me. On the other hand, she's  gonna get stung next year - she's just landed a new job paying 7,000,000yen a year.


Feeling very sad this evening. 

Nothing a cup of tea and a spot of trance won't sort out though! HAHAHA!


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