“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 10 June 2012

Gemini Time!!!

What a cracking start I've had to the last year of my 20s!!

I've been celebrating my birthday for 2 weeks and the parties are still going strong!

Guam was great. It was so nice just to get outta Japan and plonk my arse on a beach for a weekend. I switched off my phone, didn't access the net and relaxed. It's not the kinda place that you can stay for a long time and I think I'd only go back if a whole loada people are going, but we did have a good time. It has been such a long time since I've experienced American hospitality like that! Freaked me out a bit to be honest.

And then I realised how much I've missed that kinda friendliness. When a complete stranger will just say "hi" to you when you walk past them - I kept looking over my shoulder to see who they were talking to!! And I just loved the customer service in all the stores and restaurants - uber friendly staff just striking up a conversation with you - it's been such a long time since I've had any of that!

We definitely experienced some super tropical weather. When we got up on the 1st, it was raining, then cleared, then got sunny, then started raining, then cleared, then came p****** down and then cleared the way for an absolutely stunning sunset. I tried my hand at a spot of fishing local style and we chilled on the beach drinking beers and enjoy the gorgeous view. 

Out for dinner and then it was time to check out the nightlife. I was ridiculously dressed up next to everyone else!! LOL!! But it was nice to sit outside and have a few drinks before hitting a club. I got the shock of my life when I walked in and heard bashment. It took me back 10 years!! Absolutely loved it!!

The next couple of days were stunning. The weather was just fantastic and we baked out on the beach and did a spot of shopping. On the last day, we had a few hours in the morning and went straight to the beach for a serious roasting. After 3 hours it was so insanely hot, that we went back to the hotel and checked out. 

Guam airport is cack. Absolutely cack. And it was boiling in there as well - but at least the flight was only a few hours so it wasn't that hard to deal with.

Back in Tokyo, the celebrations continued last night. What was supposed to be a civilized dinner and then home turned into a drunken fiesta and ended with me rocking up back home at 3am - just in time for 5 hours sleep before heading out to work this morning.

It started with a stunning dinner in Azabu. 6 courses, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of white and a bottle of red later, it was still early so we decided to hit up a bar. In the bar we ordered drinks and then out came another bottle of champagne which we necked - thinking that we were gonna make the last train home.

Then we bumped into these hostess girls and ended up heading to a club in Roppongi. I can't be arsed to get into the drama that went on in the club, but we ended up leaving shortly after getting inside. Probably a good thing, because I dread to think what time I would have made it home if I hadn't of left then!!! It was seriously good fun though and I had such a good time!

All was going well until I got home and opened my post.

I nearly had an effing heart attack when I saw my inhabitant tax bill!!

I thought it was bad enough last year at 67,000 yen. My workaholic tendencies and love for earning a crap load and pushed the tax up to 90,000 yen per payment!!! 

90,000 YEN!?!??!?!!?!

That's like £730 for....what exactly?!


I guess it means I can kiss goodbye to all my luxuries!! HAHAHA! I'm glad I've been to Costco already!!


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