“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Gossip Gossip

I just realised that I've managed to get through the last 4 days at work without any red bull.

Man, I really hope I can keep it up! The way that I was chugging that stuff back has really made me worry about the state of my teeth!!!! 

So in the early hours of this morning, I was jolted awake by a 5.2 earthquake. Yeh, they happen all the time, but this time the epicentre was only an hour away and the way my house was shaking made me seriously wonder if I needed to get my arse outta bed!! I haven't seen, or heard, the plates in my kitchen shake like that since the big aftershocks of 3/11 last year. It was scary because it's always just a reminder that I'm living in an insanely seismically active country.


I had a right gossip in my Japanese lesson this morning. I told me teacher EVERYTHING about the deal with this J-guy. I wanted him to check the mails I sent because obviously he's not gonna tell me if the Japanese is wrong. 

I was well chuffed. Apart from some really small mistakes, and maybe being a bit too direct at times, I had done really well!! YAY!!

I started my bday celebrations last night with my girl. We went for shabu-shabu in a cute lil joint near my house. I was filling her in on all the details of the situation with this guy. When I showed her the initial email that he sent me declaring his love and asking me to be his girlfriend, she barely batted an eyelid. She thought it was normal....and cute!!!

Culture difference, eh?

But as she read the other mails that he had sent me, she soon changed her tune! She, along with everyone else, is concerned that he is a mammoth stalker!! He is a nice guy - he's just laying too much out there for my liking. And his sense of humour SUCKS ARSE. Like, REALLY badly!!! But apparently, the "joke" he tried to make, was typical of Japanese men. 

I've never heard a J-guy try and "joke" that badly before!!! HAHHAAHAHAHA.

Ready for it?

Before I actually let you know what he said, I'll set the situation up for you. So basically my girl was moaning that this guy never mails her. I told her that we should swap coz this guy was mailing me all the time. To put it to the test and show her exactly how bad it was, I decided to send him a mail so we could see how quickly he replied. All I did was ask him how work was and told him that I was eating shabu-shabu with a friend.

In under 3 minutes I got a reply.

He told me work was busy and then he hadn't finished yet. And then came the lamest attempt to be funny.

He told me that because of the seriously hard rain, he suit had gotten so soaked, it looked like shabu-shabu.



I read it and OMG I cringed!! Like, I seriously cringed and hung my head. My girl was like show me, show me and when she read it, her face said it all.

What kind of joke is that?! It's not even REMOTELY funny. She joked that I should send a mail telling him that it was totally not funny. And I did!!

Maybe it's coz I put a smiley after it or something, but he didn't realise that I was being 100% serious about it being that shit and he complimented me on my response!! Coz on a comedy show, that kind of response would make the audience laugh.


It's so bad that I'm just incredulous that someone would even dare to be that lame. It's so bad that it's funny.....in a "poor guy" way.


I didn't reply. This morning I got a mail with his ENTIRE work schedule for June and him asking when he could see me. I didn't reply and he told me that he would wait for my answer and for me to take my time.

He's always telling me he can wait, yet I get bombarded with emails every day. Pointless ones as well!! Like the ones that just say things like "Oh it looks like it's gonna rain" and "I'm cooking this or that for dinner".

Good for you! Go cook that for dinner!! Why do you need to tell me about it?!?!!?

What's the point?!

I was thinking about giving him one last chance with a 3rd date and then see what happens after that but I'm gonna send him an email tonight telling him to stop mailing me so much!!! We'll see if he gets the hint. If he does, he gets one more date. If he doesn't, f*** it, I can't be arsed dealing with an over-emotional guy who is old enough to know better and just can't control himself.


Nah! I don't think so!!


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