“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 15 May 2012


OMG my mind is all over the place today.

Work, holidays, men, these damn Olympic tickets.

Up, down, up, down - that's the best way to describe my mood today.


Maybe it's the rain. It can do that to one's mood.

So what's running through my mind?


Let's start with work.

I miss the training. I really do. When the training was taken away from me, my motivation went with it. 

The lack of feedback, criticism, appreciation and support over the last couple of months hasn't exactly done anything to help it either.

So basically I have absolutely zero motivation to go in and do what I do. But I have been checking job sites everyday and will take on something else part time from September. I can't keep working around people who are doing the jobs I want and I KNOW I can do a billion times better than them. It's too frustrating.


I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to hitting up Guam in a few weeks and getting back in the sun with my super special friend and travel buddy. I can't think of any better to be there with. =)

I've also decided that for the big 3-0 next year, I am definitely going to go to Hawaii. I'm not joking though - once I hit 30, I swear I'm not going to get any older - HAHAHAHA!!

I'm feeling good about going back to London this summer as well. So many people to catch up with and I'm kinda pumped about hitting up Wales and Ireland - I haven't been to either in donkey's years! But the whole trip home of course revolves around the Olympics and I honestly couldn't sleep last night trying to decide what to do about the tickets. 

It breaks my heart to have to turn them down but I'm just thinking sensibly for once in my life!!!!! If it was £500 or under I would totally do it. But I'm on a financial downward spiral this year after spending that month doing the CELTA in Thailand. That set me back a fair bit and it looks like it's going to have a knock-on effect throughout the whole year.

Thing is, I can't just WORK WORK WORK with no holiday. I can't. Look what happened last year when I hadn't taken a trip for 4 months! I went effing crazy. In any other job it wouldn't be a problem,, but you have to understand the monotony of one-on-one teaching for huge periods of time....with the same clients you just can't escape from every week.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could choose them and not the other way around.


**sigh sigh sigh**

One of my best J-girlfriends came over last night. We were talking about the men in our lives and she just turned around and asked me "There are so many men that you like - why are you still single?" 

It's a very valid point.

But someone has very recently come into the running which has shaken things up a bit and completely shocked me!!! You know when you've known someone for a long time and then just out of nowhere you start to look at them differently?! That's just happened and it's very bizarre!!! We've always joked about hooking up before and it was all just stupid conversation. I wonder when that happened?! Weird.

But you all know it's about the 6'5" worth of sexiness. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

 Ergh - need a nap before I have to go into work.

More to come.



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