“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 20 May 2012


So I told you about that Japanese guy that worked in the building I used to work in, yah?

The one that chased my colleague down the street with his business card?


Well, I contacted him and he took me out for dinner last night.(*^_^*)

Awwww the poor guy was a little bit nervous - it was all over his face!! But nothing like a beer to calm the nerves....and that's about all he could handle.

No joke - he must be the weakest drinker that I have ever met in my life!

Actually no - the weakest is definitely my mum - she's lightheaded after half a glass of wine! HAHAHA!

This guy had 2 SMALL glasses of beer and was already visibly drunk.

He didn't do anything bad, he wasn't being embarrassing or anything like that, but I could just tell he was wasted. Poor thing.

So he took me to this great Korean place near Tokyo station. It was really off the beaten track and I loved it coz it had such a local vibe about it and the food was great. It was kinda embarrassing though, coz the staff were telling me that I was the first foreigner to go there, and they all thought I was a model so they were constantly making jokes about rolling out the red carpet and they were treating me like a celebrity.

What's the problem?

I'm NOT!!! I'm just lil ol' me.

We had a great time and went on from there to drinks in the Marunouchi building. It was good, we had fun and lots of conversation. I even got omiyage from Niigata (which he left in the bar!!!) and free cinema tickets - YAY!

Will I see him again?

Watch this space!



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