“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 22 May 2012


This month I've only had 2 days off.


Well you all know I'm going to Guam next week. Not only that but I'm gonna be going back to the UK for 3 weeks in the summer and I won't be paid for it, so I need to make sure that I have some money behind me. Not that I'm saving much, mind you! LOL!

But seriously, it's definitely starting to take it's toll. Even though I don't work all day, every day, I'm still working every day and doing what I do, it's monotonous and I can't get through a single shift without red bull. 

I don't need it coz I'm tired, I need it so I don't fall asleep from complete and utter boredom! Normally I feel fine before the shift actually starts, but the minute I start teaching, my eyelids feel heavy and I'm just TIRED from the lack of stimulation, excitement or anything else!! HAHA! It's just so BORING.

This morning I hardcore felt the effects. My alarm went off at 8.30am and despite being in bed by midnight and getting more than enough sleep, I felt absolutely rough. Drained, heavy, knackered with a stonking headache. Like complete and utter crap. 

So I had to call in and cancel my Japanese lesson - which was a realy shame because I have a whole load of gossip that I wanted to tell my teacher. LOL! I just stayed in bed - I wasn't even sleeping - I was just lying there, willing my body to relax and just get stronger. All I had to do was think about going to Guam next week and already I felt better. 

Now I'm just trying to take it easy at home and I'm feeling knackered again already! I need to go into work later, so I'm just thinking about doing a bit of laundry and then heading back to bed so I don't die at work later. *sigh*

I was talking to one of my colleagues last week about the monotony of the job. Every day you know what you're gonna go in and do. Granted, you may be dealing with a lot of different people, but 9.9 times out of 10 you already know their story. They always fall into an existing category. No surprises, nothing that will impress you. Same old stuff.

And then it dawned on me that I have absolutely no holiday planned from when I get back from the UK in August until I go away at Christmas. Definitely have to do something about that, because that's when I snapped last year - 4 months with no holiday. Ergh - it sounds disgusting. Even a lil trip within Japan would sort that out. I'll start thinking about that in the summer. 

I think it's also scary how much time I spend in front of screens. Computers, phones, TV....I'm always looking at a screen. That's something I defintiely want to change!!! That and my completely unhealthy diet. But let's face it - I am incapable of doing anything about the latter. LOL!

On top of all of that, it's raining. This May has got to be the weirdest spring ever. Hot, cold, hot, cold - what is going on!? It's like spring and the rainy season are intertwined this year. Interesting.....


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