“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 13 May 2012

What Sundays Are For!!!!

You know that it's so rare for me to have a Sunday off.

Every time I go out on a Saturday night, I normally have to bail somewhere between 1 and 2am so that I have enough time to sleep off the booze and get up for work the next day.

But not today!!!!!! With fantastic company, I partied the night away and caught the first train back home - something I haven't done in absolutely ages!! Even if I don't have to work the next day, I normally bail around 4 and just catch a cab.


What was even more shocking for me was the time I woke up today.

Normally even when I'm going to bed at like 7am, I still find myself waking up at around 11 or 12 and then feeling shit for the whole day.

This morning I opened my eyes, rolled over and looked at the clock.



No joke - I actually have no idea the last time I managed to lay in until that late. Unbelievable!

Actually feels a little bit gross as well!!!

But I'm still glad coz the hangover isn't tooooooo bad. Just a teeny little headache.

But combined with cramps (stupid Mother Nature), I am NOT feeling good today!!!!

So it's gonna be an afternoon of catching up with online TV for me sprawled out on the sofa.

Time to put the kettle on.

Actually I'm seriously craving some ice cream....shame I can't be arsed to go out and get some!


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