“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 18 May 2012

Party Time!

I absolutely just cannot believe that it's my birthday 2 weeks today.

Not because I'm gonna be 29 but coz it means we're halfway through the year already!

What the hell?!

Where has the time gone?!

Of course, it's very easy for me to be positive about it because it means that this time in 2 weeks, I'm gonna be in Guam!


So looking forward to hitting the beach and having some quality down time with one of my best friends on what will be our last trip together. For the time being anyway! HAHAHA! So excited abotu getting a tan as well - I want my exoticness back!!!

The other reason I'm really excited is because I've alrady made a decision about how I want to spend my 30th.

I KNOW!!! It's crazy to have decided a year in advance and especially since I haven't had my 29th yet, but I was on Facebook the other day and I couldn't help it.

I was looking at the pictures from one of my friends' 30th birthday party.

And no - I'm not trying to copy her....in fact, it's the complete opposite.

She had her birthday party in the same grotty old little pub that we used to drink in when we were 18. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not being a snob and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, I promise. But I couldn't help but feeling that nothing has changed for her. Of course it has and of course there are people who never leave their hometowns and venture out into the big, wide world. That's their decision and that's OK.

But the truth is, I'm just not one of those people! I've done more than that and just looking at that picture made me decide that I want to do something REALLY special to celebrate the big 3-0 next year.

And effing special it's gonna be!!!

I've already put an idea out there to a few people that I want to celebrate with me. I wasn't sure at first but I'm actually pretty stunned at the overwhelmingly positive reaction that I've had, even telling people about it a year in advance, that I've decided to go ahead and definitely do it. For those of you that I've told already, I'm going to be finalizing everything by the end of the year in terms of dates and stuff so you will have plenty of time to get ready.

But in the meantime I have Guam to get excited about!!! So ready for a holiday, it's unbelievable!!!

Work wise as well, there is an interesting venture on the horizon. So I'm gonna wait and see what happens with that. Until then, I need to try and get myself out of this funk I'm in right now at work. I need a motivational kick up the arse!



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