“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 9 May 2012


So I told you a billion times before that I was in Nagoya for GW.

I was actually pleasantly surprised because I thought that being GW in Japan, everywhere we went would be so unbearably crowded, but it wasn't. =)

The bus trip down there was uncomfortable - but what can you expect for under 4000 yen?! It was pouring when I arrived and I had no umbrella and was tired. I trekked through Nagoya station, which was way bigger than I was expecting, and made my way to the subway to meet my friend.

Back at her LeoPalace apartment, we settled in for a night of curry, wine and lots of gossip! It was so nice to just kick back and do nothing - especially with the knowledge that I wouldn't have to wake up to an alarm!! Not that it mattered - I was up at stupid o'clock anyway!!

Over the time there we managed to hit up the main sightseeing spots - Nagoya Port, Atsuta Shrine, Sakae, Osu Kannon and Meijo Park, as well as try a lot of local cuisine.

I've posted the pics on FB so please check them out!!!

It was great to be out of Tokyo. Even though Nagoya is the country's third biggest city, it didn't feel like it - in fact it felt more like Kyushu, which was nice but a ltitle strange at the same time. The pace was so slow - it took a day to fall into step with everyone else, but I really enjoyed observing people and manners and their fashion. 

What did I notice?


Manner-wise - LOVED IT!! People there are so loud and chatty and when you get on any of the trains, there is always SOMEONE having a right old natter!

I also loved how many Brazilians there were there. We went out one night and I got to bust out all four of my languages - ususally within the same conversation - and then best bit about it was that everyone could understand me - even though it was a mix of 3 or more lingos.

Also quite a nice change to be hit on so much - even if it is by students who were probably at least 8 years younger than me!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

That was such a fun night - I danced my arse off in ridiculous stilettos. Not only were my ankles caning the next day, but even now my left ankle has started to swell and I'm pretty sure it's sprained!! I've strapped it up so hopefully it will get better soon.

The whole trip was rounded off by 3 hours of karaoke which is always a giggle!!! Even when you;re hungover, have a sore throat and look like crap!!!

Back into Tokyo, I am just gonna work my arse off and look forward to my birthday and GUAM!!!!


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