“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 27 May 2012

What The Hell Is This?!


You know what, I am kinda romantic - not insanely, over the top cute fluffy bear romantic, but you know, nice classy restaurant, stunning jewellery and flowers kind of romantic.

But there is nothing that puts me off more than a guy who will just lay it all out there....after ONE date.

Can't stand it.

So I had a great time on my date with the J-guy I told you about before. Good dinner, lots of laughs. We were exchanging mails throughout the week and he started with the whole loada stuff about not being able to stop thinking about me and when it's raining, all he has to do is think about me and it cheers him up.

I didn't reply.


Because when it's raining, all I think about is going on holiday! HAHAHAHA!

But then it came.

A mammoth long email in Japanese.....pouring his heart out to me!!!

You're so great, you're so intelligent, you're so beautiful.....

 .....I love you....

....Please be my girlfriend.

WHAT. THE. F***?!

After ONE date? After the FIRST date?

Are you kidding me?!!?!?!

This is the perfect way to make me leg it in the opposite direction!!!

He is a really sweet guy, so I decided to be nice about it. I just explained it was a culture difference and we don't know anything about each other so I can't be his girlfriend.

Thing is, we'd already arranged to go out again (last night) before he sent this email. I thought it would be cool, but when I saw him I couldn't help but feel insanely awkward and I was paranoid about doing anything that might make him like me more. Because, quite frankly, I don't wanna hear it. It's stupidly early for any of that crap. Ergh...

We went to see a movie. To be fair I was absolutely knackered and by the time the movie ended, I was too tired to stay out for drinks or dinner or anything. I had to work today as well so as well as wanting to leave, I just wanted to sleep!! 

He was really disappointed when I told him that I wanted to go home. When he was walking me back to the station, he just came out and apologised for sending me that mail. When I told him that I was just shocked, he told me that he was being selfish and it's different for him coz he's been "wanting" me for over a year (HUH?!?!?!?!?!) and I've only known him for a couple of weeks. It was way too much for me.

He definitely realised that he had put me off. When I got home, he sent me another email apologising again and told me that he really loves me and asked me to give him another chance. Ufffffff......

What did I do?! Very TACTFULLY told him to knock it off!! HAHAHAHA! I just told him that there's no way he could feel like that so soon and I'd prefer it if he didn't talk like that coz it's makes me feel weird.

He then tried to explain why he did it and spouted loads of stuff about not wanting to miss the opportunity of going on a date me with and losing touch with me.

I resisted the need to tell him that he HAS my contact info already. He's not gonna lose touch!! There was no need to tell me all that!!!!

He told me that he's a good guy and would wait for me!!! Grrrrrr....He asked me to try and understand why he told me his feelings so soon, but to be honest, I can't. I don't.

Not cool.

So how has it been left?

Well, he said he wouldn't say it again and would wait for me to contact him. I'm busy nearly every weekend in June, so I have time to decide whether to see him again.

Isn't it way to much?! I HATE people that behave like this after such a short time. Hate it.


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