“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 25 June 2012


Over the last couple of days, I've been getting these insane cravings that have been just IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.

Yesterday after I got home from work, I made lunch and then got hit by the sweet bug.

I'd already scoffed every ounce of chocolate that was about and had absolutely NOTHING sweet in the house. I tried to satisfy it with raisins but of course they didn't cut it.

So even though I really couldn't be arsed and had a million other things to do, I dropped everything and made a stack of pancakes. Of course I had the intention of saving some but that didn't happen - LOL!

Then today while I was at work, I couldn't stop thinking about Burger King. Or a double bacon whopper with cheese to be more specific. It's really annoying because the whole point of dropping a whole load of cash at Costco was to try and save money by making my meals instead of buying them. But I just couldn't get the thought outta my mind and totally went to BK before my Japanese class today. DOH!

Then I came home and cooked up some lamb and also made a whole load of inarizushi. I love the cooking part - I just hate all the washing up afterwards! Such a pain in the arse.

In the midst of all the Olympic excitement, I had totally forgotten about Wimbledon! I checked the website and then main competition starts today...shame that the TV channel that I can watch the live games on I need to pay for! I do enjoy a spot of Wimbledon though - it was great last year because I was back in London from the Quarter Finals and I remember parking my arse in front of the TV and not moving. No such luck this year though!

 Hard to believe that in just a month I'm gonna be back in the UK. Before you know it, it's gonna be Christmas again! The years are just flying by - it's hard to keep up with everything!


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