“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Today was the most painless visit to the ward office I've ever had!!

Normally I get tripped up on all the different words for all the different taxes, but for some reason, today was as smooth as it could ever get.

I was worried about my gaijin card coz it's expired and because the new system comes into play soon, renewing now is an advance application for the new residence card, so I won't get that until after July 30th. It's gonna be ready in the immigration office, but I'm just hoping there won't be any problems since I come back to Japan after pickup window. The guy said it would probably be fine but gave me a number to call if I wanted to check anyway. Silky smooth.

Then it was onto the health insurance section, where I thought I'd have to argue really hard about paying twice for February. I explained it, found out that I was actually right, received an apology and got told the money would be deducted from my June payment and I'd only have to pay the excess.

Sometimes I really underestimate my own Japanese ability. Of course it's not perfect, but it really is enough to get by.

I even managed to ignored the petrified faces of the staff as they saw me coming towards them - the more rewarding thing was watching them relax into their chair when they realised that they wouldn't have to use any English.

Knackered after my aqua class. I swear that it has gotten so much harder - and not only because I haven't been for ages! I was talking to one of the other women who goes religiously every week and even she was knackered so that was OK. There's a new aqua class starting next month which looks more like boxing in water - DYING to try it out if I can sync the class times with my work schedule. If not, I'll just wait until August and plan work around it. 

Definitely gonna need a red bull before work today!


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