“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 15 June 2012


I am in the biggest funk right now.

Bad mood doesn't even come close. Neither does upset.

I am absolutely DEVASTATED.

The crappiest bit about it is that I know probably 99.9% of you won't understand.

So I told you before that my fantabulous friend gave me an invite to the Jimmy Choo private sale?

I had it all planned out - finish work at 6.15 in Shinjuku, give myself 10mins to finish everything up and then head to the station and meet my girl at Omote-sando at 6.45.

I ended up getting there at 7.35, we got lost and by the time we rocked up at the location it was 8.01.

The closing time was 8pm.


We got there, the doors were still open, we could see shelves and shelves of beautiful bags....just sitting there, begging to be bought....and then the security guard told us we weren't allowed it.

Begging was redundant - they weren't having any of it.

There were no words for how I felt at that moment - I welled up.


Yeah, yeah I know. Spolit, blah, blah, blah. But before you judge and call me shallow or whatever, remember that I spoil myself. I didn't have any of these luxuries growing up, I'm not from a wealthy family. I have been working my arse off since I was 16 years old to have what I have today and to be able to afford all these luxuries like designer bags, shoes and holidays. I did this myself - I don't have anyone buying all this stuff for me. So you can't call me spoilt.

These kind of opportunities never come around. I had wanted to go to a private sales for years, but have never had the chance to go, or be invited. We got there and found out that the discount was from 50%. Probably up to 70% I reckon. do you have any idea how HUGE that is?!?!?! On Jimmy Choo?!

I don't care that I already have a Jimmy Choo bag. I want a matching purse and a pair of super strappy sandals and a pair of flats. And with that kind of discount, I would've been able to buy all 3. Talk about a bargain!!!

I feel so shitty right now, I just wanna cry.


I was working out if I could make it in my lunch break tomorrow - but with the commute times and the stupid annoying walk from the station to my new office, I would have 15 minutes in there. I'm not gonna lie - I was tempted. But then I knew it would just be horrecdously stressful and wouldn't be the fabulous experience that it's supposed to be. I had decided to do it but then I thought I'd lost the invite. I was sifting through my diary on the train and then nearly had a panic attack when I thought it wasn't there. I mailed my girl and when she said she didn't have it, when I got home I emptied my bag all over the floor, frantically ravaging through all the crap I'm carrying around looking for it. It was under my make up bag!!! PHEW!!!

I kinda took it as a sign - I dunno. It completely breaks my heart to miss out on something like this, but I have decided to give the invite to my friend so she can enjoy it with her husband or one of her friends. I'm calling it an early birthday present!! I mean seriously - apart from buying a bag for her myself, you can't really top that, can you?

Karma, right? This generosity should come back round at some point in the future, ne?

Knowing my luck - probably not. =(



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