“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Japanese Culture

When I came to Japan, I was advised to absorb as much Japanese culture as possible.

And what do I get for showing an interest?

My ear bitten off - that's what.

Basically a friend of mine told me that he was going to a wedding. I went to a wedding last year but was told it's not custom for people who do not know either the bride or groom to attend the actual ceremony. Because it's rude. Going to the reception is OK but not the ceremony.

So I asked another Japanese person about it and got my head RIPPED off! He was like 'Of course a stranger can't attend the ceremony if they don't know the couple!' It's so rude to do that. We don't invite other people if they are complete strangers otherwise people will wonder what they are doing there. It's bad manners!'

He was practically shouting at me! It completely threw me and as tempted as I was to give some serious attitude bad, I remarkably managed to restrain myself. I just explained that I didn't understand because I'd heard 2 different things and was JUST ASKING!! I told him I didn't understand why he was getting so angry.

And then he went into a rage about how foreigners come to Japan and think that they can just do anything they like with no respect for the Japanese culture blah blah blah.

WTF?! I was just asking about weddings and now I have no respect for the culture?! He told me that I shouldn't have gone to the wedding party at all but soon shut up when I told him that I was personally invited by the bride AND groom a month before.

After that he just stomped off. I have no idea what the hell he was on. I was asking a very simple question and he just went crazy! Obviously had some dodgy run in with foreigners before.

Everyone has some issues with Japanese culture. The way they do things here can be so frustrating!! But I still like to think that I'm trying to understand - even if no one else even notices! But I still believe there was no reason for that guy to react the way he did. It's not like I've ever done anything to him.


1 comment:

Furious said...

A lot, if not most, of wedding ceremonies in Japan nowadays are foreigners -- usually eikaiwa teachers -- dressed up as Christian priests badly reading a script in romaji anyway. And any guy can do this, as long as they're a foreigner. Totally lame, a bit racist, and hard-core cultural appropriation. What I'm wondering is, is this what this teacher was talking about when foreigners not having respect for Japanese culture?