“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 31 December 2009

Looking Back On 2009: July to December


The month of saying goodbye. Goodbye to my students, my friends and Karatsu.

My Students

Cap It Off party, last night in Fukuoka, last night out in K-Town!


My last few days in Karatsu. On my last weekend I enjoyed a final BBQ on Hamasaki beach with friends. It was a really great time, but at the end of it I had to say goodbye to my girl and another friend that I just didn't see enough of!

Back on London trains

August was my move to Tokyo. I was only in town for a few days before going back to the UK for the first time in 21 months. It was really weird to be back home after such a long time - being able to understand everything going on around me, I found myself constantly eavesdropping on people's conversations. It was great to catch up with friends and it was strange to see how much had changed and stayed the same at the same time.


The start of the hectic job search. I actually got offered a job within two weeks of looking, but it wasn't due to start until November. A couple of months of rest, drinking, partying and making new friends, as well as catching up with old ones.


This was the month of having friends over to visit! It was so great to see them, even though it had only been a couple of months since I left Kyushu. I also went to see the fabulous Beyonce in concert - what a great show!

Chilling with the greasers in Yoyogi Park

At the Beyonce concert with a couple of my fave boys!


Still hanging with one of my K-Town boys, we went to Tokyo tower to check out the promo for the NZ World Cup next year. I have to say, it is actually one of the best promos I have ever seen for a country and now I am totally excited about getting the chance to see the gorgeous NZ!!

I also started work at the end of this month - and what a change it is from ALT life! Working with such young children was such a shock - not only because of their age, but because of their English level. Even a month into it, I am so tired after work every day.


After 2 months back in the gym, I am so chuffed with the muscle definition in my arms and legs. Now to work on that washboard stomach, lol!

I've been really reflective this month - thinking back on the year, my failed resolutions and all the things that have happened. I am ready for the new year because I have so many exciting things to look forward to. In the last couple of days alone, I have caught up with so many people and still have more to see because so many people are in Tokyo for the new year. Now I just have to decide what I want to do tonight!

So that's been my year! Hope you enjoyed the pics because it took me ages to upload them onto here!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I hope you all have a fabulous time tonight and may 2010 bring you happiness and success!

Love you all! Thank you so much for following me on my blog - I hope you continue to read next year! More pictures, I promise!


Looking Back On 2009: January to June

So here it is. The highlights of 2009. Enjoy!


I saw in 2009 in the amazing Cambodia. For me, it absolutely whooped Thailand's arse - an absolutely unforgettable trip. I would add loads of pics of Angkor Wat, but technically it was still 2008 when I was there so I won't. New Year's Day, I went to Beng Melea, which is this awesome temple about 2 hours outside of Siem Reap. Not many tourists go there because it is so far away but it was just incredible - you could seriously explore and I had a lot of fun there.

From left: Celebrating NYE in Siem Reap with a tan and crocodile steak; Beng Melea on New Year's Day; Happy New Year

And how can we forget the inauguration of Barack Obama. Another incredible moment, and the point at which my attitude towards Americans changed a little bit. I mean, if they can elect a black man to be the most powerful man in the world, then they can't be all bad!


The month when I found out I passed the JLPT! I remember seeing the results and just being in this massive state of disbelief that I actually managed to pass without having studied. A fluke at it's best!

This is a pretty amusing memory as well - a party I went to in Hizen. I can't remember what the theme was - women?! Anyway, it was really good fun to put my friend into one of my dresses and do his make up.

Ladies out on the town!!!!


I made a couple fo trips this month. The first one was a road trip to Shikoku. Tip number one...make sure you have a decent sized car and tip number two...don't go on a road trip with people that you don't know well! Despite a couple of hiccups, Iya Valley was absolutely beautiful. The second was a trip to Kyoto with my girl, which is one of the best trips that I've taken since I've been here. Incredible culture, awesome shopping and nightlife, catching up with an old friend and just having a really, really good time! Definitely my second favourite city after Tokyo. By a mile.

From top left: Shikoku, Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto, cherry blosson season!


This was the month when I hardcore starting looking into my options in Tokyo...and when I realised how my friendships with certain people had blossomed to a point that I knew I was going to take them through life with me. I also went back to brunette (which ended up fading back into light brown anyway) and fractured my ankle, leaving me unable to go to the gym for 6 months. Not pleasant at all!


A great trip to Taipei and Bali for Golden Week. Not only was I with great friends, but I got to meet up with my girl from England, and I can't even begin to explain how great that was! Another great month for really appreciating all the fabulous people around me.

View from Taipei 101 (the world's tallest building); Borabador (Java); reunited with my girl in Seminyak, Bali; sunset on Kuta beach, Bali.

I had a great afternoon celebrating one of my best friend's birthdays this month as well. We made him an awesome lunch, cooking steaks on his balcony on a ghetto arse disposable BBQs. Good times.

The birthday lunch With my boys <3>

I had a great birthday this year. It started with a BBQ at a beachside restaurant and then a camping party on the fabulous Hamasaki Beach. A place which I know I'm really going to miss when summer comes around next year. I ended up celebrating my birthday for an entire week. At the beginning of the month as well, I came to Tokyo for a few days for flathunting and found the perfect house...which I still have no pictures of!

At Jammin with friends and on the gorgeous Hamasaki beach

During this year, me and my girls enjoyed fabulous nights out at our favourite haunt, where we downed bottle after bottle of fabulous wine and champagne, always followed by song destructions in karaoke!

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Windows 7

OMG I finally ugraded to Windows 7 today.

I AM LOVING IT!!! So much!!! It looks better, is so ridiculously easy to use and has some AWESOME new features and gadgets. I have been a complete geek today reading up and trying EVERYTHING!!

I love how you can keep a fabulously clean and tidy taskbar, no matter how much stuff you have open. And I have to say that the Peek and Shake features are absolutely genius. GENIUS!!! And so much fun to use!!!

If you haven't upgraded yet, YOU NEED TO!!! Check out info about it online - that alone will make you want to upgrade. Vista sucks!!!

Now, as promised, I am gonna start working on my 2009 Highlights entry!


Monday 28 December 2009


I am in such a good mood today!

My mum sent me three packages from England but one of them hadn't shown up and I was really sad because I thought it was lost in the post. But then when I came back from the gym today, I saw a note saying that it was waiting for me at the central post office, so I'm gonna go and pick it up tomorrow. Yay!

I always get in a really good mood after I've been food shopping as well because it means I can get back into my cooking and make such yummy meals this week! I spent the whole of yesterday eating chocolate and most of what was sent to me by my mum and my friend has gone. Such a pie. But I can't help it - I just have to scoff the whole lot in one go! Hehe!

Since I got back from the supermarket, I have just been chilling. Tomorrow I'm gonna be catching up with a friend that I haven't seen since either the London or Tokyo orientation for JET - I can't remember which. Anyway, it's been over 2 years since I've seen him, so I'm really looking forward to that. And then tomorrow evening I have a friend staying over so I'm looking forward to seeing him...and getting the goodies that he's brought me back from the States.

I also got to speak to one of my boys in Karatsu today which always makes me happy. I love him to death and miss him a lot, so it was nice to have a catch up.

And on top of all of that goodness, no work until 5th! What a nice break! It's just a shame I didn't have any cash otherwise I could've taken a decent trip in that amount of time. Oh well, it'll be my first Xmas and New Year here - I guess I would've had to have done it sometime.

I've just been looking through all the photos that I've taken this year. I'm gonna do a month by month highlight of the year - just a few pictures and brief comments. Kinda like '2009 in Pictures'! It's realy nice to look back on actually. I might not have taken many trips this year but the ones I have taken were amazing. I'm looking forward to sharing my highlights with you all.

I'm feeling so good, I can barely keep the smile of my face. I love feeling like this - it doesn't happen very often but so much is gonna happen next year, it's the excitement of that and having this really chilled, relaxing last week of this year. Plus I realise that I have so many great people around me and even though I don't get to see everyone as often as I would like, it doesn't mean that I don't value them. I've met some truly awesome people during the time that I've been here and the greatest thing about that is that they are friends that I will take through life with me. Obviously not everyone, but I know that these special people know who they are!! LOL!! I hope so anyway!

So look out from tomorrow for my highlights of 2009!!


Sunday 27 December 2009

Holiday Time!!


No more work until 5th January!!

I am so tired and really looking forward to totally chilling out. Last night I was in bed before 1 and I just couldn't wait to go to sleep. And today is the start of the massive cleanup that I'm having before the new year rolls around. The shittest thing about having so much time off right now, is that I don't get paid until 10th so I can't go shopping! Or do any of the other things that I want to do! And my first full paycheck is gonna disappear so quickly after paying my rent, phone bill, health insurance and shopping. I am so impressed that I haven't been shopping once since I moved here. I mean, I've been with other people, but I haven't done any myself. Pretty amazing considering I used to go at least twice a month.

Even though I didn't really celebrate this year, I love looking at pics of people who did. It just reminds me of Christmas last year in Thailand, new year in Cambodia and my mum's cooking. Without your family and best friends around, Christmas really is just another day....unless you're travelling. And I would LOVE to be on a beach right now, getting all tanned and gorgeous.

Time to start thinking about those resolutions...as soon as I've done my cleaning! Gonna be taking a look back at 2009 as well so stay tuned for lots of awesome pics to come!!

Enjoy stuffing your face over the festive season!

Love you all!


Saturday 26 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

K -w ell I guess it's not Christmas anymore! I've just seen the time!

How did I spend my Christmas day? Working, bollocking kids and in the gym. Fascinating stuff!

I just called home - I totally wish you could send a turkey dinner in the post. I know I could go to a pub or restaurant and get a Christmas dinner here, but it's never the same as your mum's cooking!

I totally thought it was the weekend - well, for most of you it is, but I have to work Saturdays and I cam completely knackered! The long arse commute I have is really starting to knacker me out - unless I'm reading, or lesson planning or something, then it seems to take forever and that's when I start feeling really pissed off about it. Even listening to music doesn't seem to speed up the time! On the negative side, there's been a couple of times when I've been so engrossed in reading or lesson planning that I've completely missed my stop. That happened this week, but I only went one stop too far. The first time it happened, I went something stupide like 6 stops too far. I remember thinking that I hadn't transferred and that's when I actually started listening to the announcements and realised where I was.

Urgh...commuting sucks. I badly miss my car. I'd much rather have to drive to work than take the train...it's comfier and I'd get to sing along to the music as loudly as I want. And I wouldn't be pressed up against stinky people either.

Another Christmas over...I think this is the first year ever that I haven't celebrated it. Just treated myself to lots of cake and chocolate! Does that count?


Thursday 24 December 2009

Xmas Goodies!

OMG I am in possession of TURKISH DELIGHT!!!

That's just one of the fabulous things that I received in one of the 3 packages I picked up from the Post Office today. 2 from my mum and one from my girl in the States rammed with chocolate.

I am surrounded by chocolate, crisps and TURKISH DELIGHT!!!

Ever since I saw it in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardobe, I have loved that stuff. But it has to be proper turkish delight - not that crap that's covered in chocolate. I ate too much for dinner and now I feel sick so I'm gonna start on all these goodies from tomorrow. Christmas Day - great timing!

Yay to Christmas goodies! It's nice to have something to indulge in over the Christmas season!



Wednesday 23 December 2009


With today being a holiday, I had a massive plan to finally tidy up and clean my house.


I was at the gym for the best part of the day and when I finally made it back home, I was so tired, I just wanted to slob out in front of the TV. And now it's much too late to think about doing any cleaning! Grrrr...I will do it either Sunday or Monday because it's driving me crazy now. Relax, wasn't working out the whole day - there were gaps between my classes and I didn't wanna go home and then go back again so I just chilled out in the lounge...and spent stupid amounts of time in the whirlpool and sauna.

I'm also trying to make some plans for NYE. I kinda don't wanna be stuck inside one club or bar. I wanna be out on the streets of Shibuya or Shinjuku celebrating with everyone. I think I'll do that...but I'll see what everyone else is up to. I can't believe the year is nearly over - time has literally flown by this year. But I'm glad...like loads of other peopl , I'm ready for the fresh start.


Monday 21 December 2009

R.I.P Brittany Murphy

I always get freaked out when I read about people who just die from a cardiac arrest - no signs or anything - they just drop dead.

First reports are saying that's what happened to Brittany Murphy, but what freaks me out more is that she was just 32. That is only 6 years older than me. It just shows that it could happen to ANYONE and that is so scary.

Always gives me the motivation to try and live a healthier life - it might not last for very long, but at least the motivation is there!

Next year.



I've had a really productive day!

Well, admittedly it could've been MORE productive but whatever!

Feeling really tired now though - it's absolutely freezing outside but I'm definitely handling the winter a lot better than I have done over the past two years. Probably because my house actually heats up and gets all nice and warm and cozy. Unlike the shitty studio I had before which just NEVER felt warm, no matter how long the heater was on. I used to sit inside wearing a scarf, hat and coat and sleeping in 4 layers and socks. At least I don't have to do any of that! And because my eikawa school is in a shopping centre, all the classrooms have heaters and are all toasty and warm. So no more teaching wearing 5 layers of clothes and a coat..and looking like a size 20! That feels so good!

And speaking of productivity, I need to go and hang up my washing!


Sunday 20 December 2009

What A Week!

Wow, this week has been so crazy busy, I've hardly had time to update you with what's going on!

Not that anything major is.....work has just been so ridiculously busy that when I finally do make it home, all I wanna do is kick back and relax in front of the TV.

Have you seen the movie "Volcano"? It was on TV the other night and I actually really liked it! I've spent a lot of time this week as well catching up with a couple of special friends and reflecting back on the year.

But seriously, I am looking forward to next year so much. A lot of stuff is going down and I just can't wait. I have so many plans, so many goals and intend to be reunited with some of my favourite people that it's all just so exciting and when I think about it all, I just get the biggest smile on my face ever. This year has been really up and down but some of the highlights were definitely my trip to Kyoto, Bali and my birthday. All seriously awesome times. And there are plenty more to come in 2010. I want to spend the rest of this year clearing out - my room, my phone books, my FB....everything, so I can start the new year on the right foot.

So pumped.

So excited.

Yay to 2010!!!


Monday 14 December 2009

Food Food Food!

I FINALLY made it to the supermarket. And now I finally get to cook instead of eating crap from the conbini everyday.

I totally miss cooking, but with my dodgy work hours, I'm normally knackered by the time I finally get it. But I wanna change that this week, not just so that I can save money, but I actually wanna feel healthier as well.

I got my first Xmas card and present today from my baby girl in Canada. I LOVE YOU!!! And I miss you like crazy but you already know that!!


Sunday 13 December 2009


I was knackered when I finished work last night, but I went out for dinner and a couple of drinks with my manager in Omori.

We were getting on the train back home and were kinda like...yeh we totally still wanna drink....and ended up pulling a fabulous all nighter in Shinjuku. It was so much fun because not only do we get along great, I bumped into loads fo my fave boys!!

It was ghastly though coz we were in work clothes with barely any make up, I had glue in my hair (thanks to my little shits) and was carrying a bag full of lesson materials!! I hate going out like that but it was such a spontaneous thing so there was nothing I could do about it...I walked about looking like a complete and utter DOG!!

I haven't been out in such a long time, it was awesome...and I didn't even spend that much money! Although I might have to cut down on buying my dinner every night and find the energy to cook so I can save the cash!

Really good night. LOL - another whole night of looking but not touching! What a waste!


Wednesday 9 December 2009

Big Ol' Softie

I have become such a softie in my old age!!!

The latest episode of Gossip Girl made me bawl my eyes out! It's not even like it was particularly sad or anything!

I have had a thumping headache all day - and no matter how many tablets I take, it just won't go away. My to do list is just getting longer and longer, but I just don't seem to be able to find the time to do anything! I'm knackered by the time I get back in from work - I just wanna kick back, relax and catch up with TV shows online! Still have loads to go but it's all good - better than watching everything at once like I used to!

Chill time.



Ciao Danyl

Ah man, I can't believe Danyl has been voted off the X Factor.

It was blatantly obvious that Joe was gonna go through but I think that Danyl has a better vocal than both Ollie and Stacey - even though I do love both of them. What it comes down to is likeability and the other two have way more than he does.

But how gorgeous has he become over the live shows? PHWOAR!!! Talk about my type!!! And I just adore his voice as well.

Now, where am I gonna get me one of those in Tokyo.....


At Last

After spending Saturday night, the whole of Sunday and a couple fo hours last night, I have finally finished all of my Xmas prep. And even though the kids probably won't appreciate it, it's always nice to feel pride in your work.

Pretty Woman was on TV last night - I forgot how much I LOVE that movie! And on Saturday night I watched the first Twilight movie - my housemate rented it....I'd never seen/heard anything about it until people started raving about the release of New Moon. I absolutely LOVED it! Right now I'm sitting on the Edward bandwagon, but I have no idea when that first movie came out, so that may change after I see the second movie. When it started, I was like urgh - another teeny bop movie, but it wasn't long before I was totally sucked in - glued to the screen right until the end. I never wanted it to finish. And now I'm totally excited about catching up on everything that I've missed...although I'm not exactly sure what I HAVE missed. I need to be Twilight educated!

Jumper was on last night as well - I remember seeing it at the cinema...but I can't remember who I saw it with and it's bugging me. Still enjoyed it the second time around though.

Now I'm hoping I can enjoy a more relaxing week after the craziness of the last 8 days.

Here's to hoping.


Sunday 6 December 2009



I was on the train and I was thinking about something...and then I was thinking how I totally needed to blog about it...

And now for the life of me, I can't remember what it was!! Such a busy day - I finished work two hours later than usual, which is so not cool for a Saturday night!

Argh...what WAS it?!


Friday 4 December 2009

Wrong Day Kids

Testing kids is probably the most annoying thing ever!!

Wrong day to eff with me kids!! I actually lost my temper in one of my classes today...the kids are just soooo bad that I told them if they didn't shut up and behave, then they would get 0%. They decided to call my bluff - ha! WRONG MOVE!! I ended up telling 2 of them that they got 0% and they were so shocked, they were as good as gold for the rest of the lesson.

The sad thing is they got 95% and 89%. But you know, I can't turn around and tell them that - I told the mothers though, who seemed perfectly happy to allow their kids to be shit scared about telling them that they got 0%. I've also told them that if they're kids are gonna carry on being a pain in the arse, then I won't be teaching them again. There's a difference between a kid who is just a shit and a kid who is beyond being a shit and destroys the class every single week. The teacher before me told me that she spent 95% of that class every week shouting and I don't wanna do that....and I know I don't have to put up with that either!! It's not like they're new students either - they've been going to that eikawa for years so there's absolutely no excuse for their behaviour!

LOL - only 2 weeks into my job and I'm complaining already! But I'd rather do something about it now....never have been one to keep my mouth shut!

One more day of testing left...and then starts the mad rush to get everything ready for the Christmas lessons starting next week! Talk about not giving teachers enough time!!


Thursday 3 December 2009

Busy Busy

I am seriously busy with work every single day.

It's exam week this week and it's really hard to find the time to do the marking when you have one class after another. I'm starting to get used to these weird hours now and I actually don't mind not having my evenings...it's not like I'm gonna be going out anyway during the week. The crappy thing is though, I've become sooo lazy with cooking! I hate the fact that I'm buying two meals a day - I don't wanna waste the money! But when I'm walking through the door after 10pm, I just can't be arsed!!

So crazy that we're nearly at the end of the year. And what a year it's been - emotional roller coaster ride!!!


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Trail Of Thought

I just don't get some people sometimes. The way people react over certain things will always be a mystery to me. And it's like, they don't even take the time to explain why they reacted the way that they did. I just feel like screaming at some people because if I ask you why you react the way you do and then you choose to ignore the question...is that the reaction from me that you wanted?!

What is the point of that?

Or do some people just ignore the question because it makes them feel like smug that it leaves you wondering?

This is nothing big and serious by the way! It's just that sometimes people and their weird ways do my head in! And I've been seeing it more and more recently in so many different people and people doing it to other people that I just don't understand the mindset that goes behind behaving like a child.

What's wrong with just good ol' fashioned talking? Why do people insist of playing silly little games that just have absolutely no purpose with each other? I get that people do play games with an end result....but when people play games just because they CAN....why bother wasting the time and energy? Just get a life!! I could give you all some of my marking to do if you really want!!


Just a rant. I'm feeling really weird today. I had a bit of a tough month last month and didn't get the support that I needed. People always pretend to be strong and say that we don't need the help but really we all do. True friends manage to see through that. Unfortunately the person that I did tell, wasn't able to - but at the same time I can't really blame them. We weren't good friends and some people just are unable to read others. Why can't people just work it out?! I was at Kawasaki station today and it was so festive and gorgeous, it actually made me really sad to know that no one is really gonna be around for Christmas, so I have like no plans. And to top it off, I'll be working on Christmas day.
