“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 27 December 2009

Holiday Time!!


No more work until 5th January!!

I am so tired and really looking forward to totally chilling out. Last night I was in bed before 1 and I just couldn't wait to go to sleep. And today is the start of the massive cleanup that I'm having before the new year rolls around. The shittest thing about having so much time off right now, is that I don't get paid until 10th so I can't go shopping! Or do any of the other things that I want to do! And my first full paycheck is gonna disappear so quickly after paying my rent, phone bill, health insurance and shopping. I am so impressed that I haven't been shopping once since I moved here. I mean, I've been with other people, but I haven't done any myself. Pretty amazing considering I used to go at least twice a month.

Even though I didn't really celebrate this year, I love looking at pics of people who did. It just reminds me of Christmas last year in Thailand, new year in Cambodia and my mum's cooking. Without your family and best friends around, Christmas really is just another day....unless you're travelling. And I would LOVE to be on a beach right now, getting all tanned and gorgeous.

Time to start thinking about those resolutions...as soon as I've done my cleaning! Gonna be taking a look back at 2009 as well so stay tuned for lots of awesome pics to come!!

Enjoy stuffing your face over the festive season!

Love you all!


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