“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Trail Of Thought

I just don't get some people sometimes. The way people react over certain things will always be a mystery to me. And it's like, they don't even take the time to explain why they reacted the way that they did. I just feel like screaming at some people because if I ask you why you react the way you do and then you choose to ignore the question...is that the reaction from me that you wanted?!

What is the point of that?

Or do some people just ignore the question because it makes them feel like smug that it leaves you wondering?

This is nothing big and serious by the way! It's just that sometimes people and their weird ways do my head in! And I've been seeing it more and more recently in so many different people and people doing it to other people that I just don't understand the mindset that goes behind behaving like a child.

What's wrong with just good ol' fashioned talking? Why do people insist of playing silly little games that just have absolutely no purpose with each other? I get that people do play games with an end result....but when people play games just because they CAN....why bother wasting the time and energy? Just get a life!! I could give you all some of my marking to do if you really want!!


Just a rant. I'm feeling really weird today. I had a bit of a tough month last month and didn't get the support that I needed. People always pretend to be strong and say that we don't need the help but really we all do. True friends manage to see through that. Unfortunately the person that I did tell, wasn't able to - but at the same time I can't really blame them. We weren't good friends and some people just are unable to read others. Why can't people just work it out?! I was at Kawasaki station today and it was so festive and gorgeous, it actually made me really sad to know that no one is really gonna be around for Christmas, so I have like no plans. And to top it off, I'll be working on Christmas day.


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