“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 30 November 2009

Go Away!!

I really hate this constant feeling of tiredness that's been going on with me lately.

I couldn't get up for the life of me this morning to go to the gym. I know I got enough sleep, but I just don't get why I always feel like I haven't slept in days! Starting back at work was bound to take it's toll but even though I go to bed around midnightish, apart from Saturdays (when I have to get up at 7.45) I'm not getting up until 9am! Which is more than enough sleep for me. I remember when I was living in Kyushu I was going to bed later and getting up earlier. Maybe I just need to get used to working again or something...there was a lot to take in last week so maybe that just knackered me out or something.

And then this week is all testing which I'm a little nervous about because I have to do EVERTHING. It's kinda crazy because there is so much that I have to remember, along with doing the listening and oral sections and then all the marking, feedback and certificates. On top of that I will need to find time to do all the planning for next weeks classes as well....looks like I might be taking work home with me this week! I always said that I would never do that with this job, but it's looking like I'm going to have to. Or I could at least do it during my commute - there's definitely enough time! I just have to be careful not to get everything mixed up. So crazy when you have like 7 levels and over 100 students to take care of.

I went to the ward office today to try and sort out this malarky with my pension. I was in there for an hour and a half but it was worth it because I just have to wait for some paperwork from my old BOE and then go back down there and I should then be exempt from paying for a few months. I just told them flat out that I couldn't pay it because I've only just started work. We'll see what happens with that...I hope it doesn't mean that they're just gonna add it on to my payments next year!!

So much paperwork. I just feel like my head is constantly filled with all these things that I have to do. And that list is getting longer and longer!


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