“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Kick Up The Arse

Being here in Japan, it's really easy to get caught up in everything that you forget what your initial goals were.

I was talking to my friend last night, and I realised that I had gone completely off track regarding my career goals. It's not like I had forgotten what it is that I want to do, but I have been so slack in actually doing anything to get there.

Not anymore. I went online last night and checked out the homepage for the Foreign and Commonwealth Offices and I fell in love with Diplomatic Service all over again! Well, being an Operational Officer in Diplomatic Service. So now I feel like I've had this massive kick up the arse to continue working towards this...starting with studying Japanese. After all, it's what I came here to do and I have been lazy this year. I wanna apply through the Fast Stream programme and it takes the best part of the year and a billion tests and I'm not at the age where it's OK to take your time!! I don't wanna start the application without my 1kyuu in the JLPT either. And that itself is another couple of years studying here...which means that I will be 28 by the time I start the application process - and that sounds scarily old!

But I'm also gonna look into options at the British Embassy here during that application process. Yeh, teaching might be the easiest thing to do here and pay well, but it's also a waste of my time. It's been good but it's not like I wanna stay working in education. I don't believe in taking the easiest route - I would rather be working in a field relevant to my final career choice, even if it means making less money and working harder. Maybe if I was younger, I would stay in teaching during the whole process but I just don't feel like I have that time anymore.

I totally wanna be in a position of serious influential power!! Being a diplomat might not be the most powerful position in the world but I love what it involves and I know that I'll be awesome! Hehe!

Oooohhh I'm all excited and motivated now! I really hope that feeling lasts because I really need to start studying. I wonder if I work my arse off I'll be ready to take 2kyuu next summer instead of next Christmas...that was the original plan but seeing how I haven't studied at all this year, I didn't think it was possible to be ready in time. I might give it a bash...we'll see how much time I have when I start working next week.

One more week of unemployment left! Time is moving so fast!


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