“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 21 November 2009


I finished the training for my new job today...and boy, it was INTENSE!!

So much new information, so many rules and regulations to follow - it couldn't be a world further away than that of an ALT. It's not until you leave JET that you realise just how damn EASY you had it. That's why it drives me mad now to hear JETS complaining that they have nothing to do, that they're bored, blah, blah, blah.

Well let me tell you, it's better than having a jam packed schedule like mine - that doesn't even end with the teaching. No free periods, a mountain of paperwork, time logging, discipline, marketing, recruiting, model lessons, planning trips, meetings, summer and winter school, constant planning, socialising with the parents...and a hell of a lot more. And none of this you can get away without doing. It's all mandatory.

I kind of like the challenge though. At least I know that I will be well utilised. Not to mention the fact that private eikaiwa = heated classrooms! No more wearing 5 layers, a scarf and a coat in the classroom...and looking a hundred sizes bigger. All the schools are located within shopping centres so it's all toasty inside! I'm looking forward to getting started, even though I know that I'm gonna be mad busy, it's better than sitting on your arse all day at school with nothing to do. Although to be fair, that never really happened to me that often because I had so many schools on JET.

But these 3 days of training have knackered me out. I was supposed to be out on the town tonight but I've cancelled my plans. It's not even just because I'm so tired, I can't afford it. Finding out that I do actually have to pay all these pension slips and health insurance that were sent in the post to me (and that I ignored) has really screwed my financial situation and I just can't afford to do anything. I have a backlog of payments now and it's just going to be a constant struggle from here on - to catch up with those payments whilst staying on top of my rent and bills and my gym membership. A lot of money....which I just don't have.

Looks like I'll be staying in for a while!


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