“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Back To Work!

I finally started my new job today!

Well, I started the training. So much to take in, I couldn't believe it! I start shadowing the teacher that I'm taking over from next week and apparently she's really popular...great....that makes my job that little bit harder!

It is so crazy what these kids learn. A 3 year old learning to write?!?! At public school my 1 nensei at JHS couldn't even write their name! Such a different curriculum! I am actually really impressed with how quickly they advance to making whole sentences and stuff. But it's insane because each age group has like 4 textbooks each, including this really difficult homework book!

I got to watch a baby class today and I was in hysterics. Watching these mothers frantically trying to stop their kid from just wondering around and falling flat on their faces. And it's so funny because half the time they just look seriously confused, wondering what the hell is going on - super cute but I can imagine that they are going to be a complete pain in the arse! My schedule is pretty intense in terms of the number of lessons I'm teaching - 6 classes EVERY day. No free periods. I'm wondering how that's gonna go down - as a JET I was used to getting some free time during the week, and now I find out that I'm not going to get any.

I'm so tired! And my brain feels ready to explode with all the information that I was given today. But it feels good to be doing something and earning money...even the commute wasn't that bad. Although I think I may wear lower heels for the rest of the week!


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