“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 16 November 2009

Last Couple of Days!

I'm in my last couple of days of bumming around before I go back into full time employment.

It's not like I've been a complete bum - I've been working out nearly every day and stuff. Admittedly I have spent more time in front of the TV than I think I have in my entire 2 years here but that's all about to change - I'll be surprised if I get to watch TV at all with the crazy hours that I'm gonna be working.

Speaking of TV - this year's X Factor is full of surprises. I can't believe that Jamie got kicked off over Lloyd. I know Lloyd actually gave a decent performance this week and Jamie's popularity has been steadily dwindling but STILL!! I've come not to expect anything from that show any more!!

And go Danni!! She is whooping Cheryl's arse in the style wars this year!

Today at the gym went so slowly - it felt like I was in my aerobics classes for 3 hours or something and it was only 1hr 20 mins. Time is dragging today - I still feel knackered from the weekend and you know when you spend the whole day recovering, your sleep pattern gets all messed up, so even though you got loads of sleep, you're still tired. I just hope that it doesn't mess me up for the whole week.

And I've also decided to detox. Well, I say detox but all I mean is that I'm not gonna drink any alcohol until the end of the month. At least. After what I put away last week, I just don't feel healthy at all and it seems pointless going to the gym as much as I have been if I'm just gonna undo everything by the time the weekend comes around. So I'm gonna just stop - it's not that hard. When I was living in Kyushu I rarely got to drink anyway coz I was always driving.

I just wanna get back into good health!


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