“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 29 November 2009


I am so tired!

I dragged my tired body to the gym earlier and nearly left one of my aero classes early because I just couldn't be bothered. But i didn't...I stuck it out. And now I'm just exhausted.

I think the craziness of my first week at work is catching up with me. So much stuff to take it and some complete nightmare kids to deal with. And I DO actually have to deal with them - no hiding behind a JTE and leaving all the discipline up to them - this is all me. And I have some serious little shits that I've shouted at already.

Next week all the classes have tests. Yes - even the babies. I'm working my way through their test papers as we speak. I had the same question you probably have - how the hell do you test a baby?!?! It's basically giving them instructions to point and touch things on the page to see if they remember words and stuff, and see if they know the actions to the songs. Weird, I know, but apparently parent really like seeing the certificate at the end of it all - to show off to other parents that their kid can speak English. Certificates that I have to write out and make all the evaluation comments on. For every single student.....I teach 6 classes a day, every day - where the hell am I supposed to get the time to do all the marking, make all the certificates and write all the comments?!?! And no way am I taking this work home with me - they can forget that idea as fast as they like!!!!

So much prep to do.

On a different note, I have this real urge to go and see come kind of contemporary dance show. I was watching this documentary, and the dancing on it literally made me cry - it was so beautiful. So if anyone knows of any good shows, then let me know!!

Cheers me dears!


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