“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 9 December 2009

At Last

After spending Saturday night, the whole of Sunday and a couple fo hours last night, I have finally finished all of my Xmas prep. And even though the kids probably won't appreciate it, it's always nice to feel pride in your work.

Pretty Woman was on TV last night - I forgot how much I LOVE that movie! And on Saturday night I watched the first Twilight movie - my housemate rented it....I'd never seen/heard anything about it until people started raving about the release of New Moon. I absolutely LOVED it! Right now I'm sitting on the Edward bandwagon, but I have no idea when that first movie came out, so that may change after I see the second movie. When it started, I was like urgh - another teeny bop movie, but it wasn't long before I was totally sucked in - glued to the screen right until the end. I never wanted it to finish. And now I'm totally excited about catching up on everything that I've missed...although I'm not exactly sure what I HAVE missed. I need to be Twilight educated!

Jumper was on last night as well - I remember seeing it at the cinema...but I can't remember who I saw it with and it's bugging me. Still enjoyed it the second time around though.

Now I'm hoping I can enjoy a more relaxing week after the craziness of the last 8 days.

Here's to hoping.


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