“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 26 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

K -w ell I guess it's not Christmas anymore! I've just seen the time!

How did I spend my Christmas day? Working, bollocking kids and in the gym. Fascinating stuff!

I just called home - I totally wish you could send a turkey dinner in the post. I know I could go to a pub or restaurant and get a Christmas dinner here, but it's never the same as your mum's cooking!

I totally thought it was the weekend - well, for most of you it is, but I have to work Saturdays and I cam completely knackered! The long arse commute I have is really starting to knacker me out - unless I'm reading, or lesson planning or something, then it seems to take forever and that's when I start feeling really pissed off about it. Even listening to music doesn't seem to speed up the time! On the negative side, there's been a couple of times when I've been so engrossed in reading or lesson planning that I've completely missed my stop. That happened this week, but I only went one stop too far. The first time it happened, I went something stupide like 6 stops too far. I remember thinking that I hadn't transferred and that's when I actually started listening to the announcements and realised where I was.

Urgh...commuting sucks. I badly miss my car. I'd much rather have to drive to work than take the train...it's comfier and I'd get to sing along to the music as loudly as I want. And I wouldn't be pressed up against stinky people either.

Another Christmas over...I think this is the first year ever that I haven't celebrated it. Just treated myself to lots of cake and chocolate! Does that count?


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