“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 28 December 2009


I am in such a good mood today!

My mum sent me three packages from England but one of them hadn't shown up and I was really sad because I thought it was lost in the post. But then when I came back from the gym today, I saw a note saying that it was waiting for me at the central post office, so I'm gonna go and pick it up tomorrow. Yay!

I always get in a really good mood after I've been food shopping as well because it means I can get back into my cooking and make such yummy meals this week! I spent the whole of yesterday eating chocolate and most of what was sent to me by my mum and my friend has gone. Such a pie. But I can't help it - I just have to scoff the whole lot in one go! Hehe!

Since I got back from the supermarket, I have just been chilling. Tomorrow I'm gonna be catching up with a friend that I haven't seen since either the London or Tokyo orientation for JET - I can't remember which. Anyway, it's been over 2 years since I've seen him, so I'm really looking forward to that. And then tomorrow evening I have a friend staying over so I'm looking forward to seeing him...and getting the goodies that he's brought me back from the States.

I also got to speak to one of my boys in Karatsu today which always makes me happy. I love him to death and miss him a lot, so it was nice to have a catch up.

And on top of all of that goodness, no work until 5th! What a nice break! It's just a shame I didn't have any cash otherwise I could've taken a decent trip in that amount of time. Oh well, it'll be my first Xmas and New Year here - I guess I would've had to have done it sometime.

I've just been looking through all the photos that I've taken this year. I'm gonna do a month by month highlight of the year - just a few pictures and brief comments. Kinda like '2009 in Pictures'! It's realy nice to look back on actually. I might not have taken many trips this year but the ones I have taken were amazing. I'm looking forward to sharing my highlights with you all.

I'm feeling so good, I can barely keep the smile of my face. I love feeling like this - it doesn't happen very often but so much is gonna happen next year, it's the excitement of that and having this really chilled, relaxing last week of this year. Plus I realise that I have so many great people around me and even though I don't get to see everyone as often as I would like, it doesn't mean that I don't value them. I've met some truly awesome people during the time that I've been here and the greatest thing about that is that they are friends that I will take through life with me. Obviously not everyone, but I know that these special people know who they are!! LOL!! I hope so anyway!

So look out from tomorrow for my highlights of 2009!!


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