“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Gossip Gossip

I just realised that I've managed to get through the last 4 days at work without any red bull.

Man, I really hope I can keep it up! The way that I was chugging that stuff back has really made me worry about the state of my teeth!!!! 

So in the early hours of this morning, I was jolted awake by a 5.2 earthquake. Yeh, they happen all the time, but this time the epicentre was only an hour away and the way my house was shaking made me seriously wonder if I needed to get my arse outta bed!! I haven't seen, or heard, the plates in my kitchen shake like that since the big aftershocks of 3/11 last year. It was scary because it's always just a reminder that I'm living in an insanely seismically active country.


I had a right gossip in my Japanese lesson this morning. I told me teacher EVERYTHING about the deal with this J-guy. I wanted him to check the mails I sent because obviously he's not gonna tell me if the Japanese is wrong. 

I was well chuffed. Apart from some really small mistakes, and maybe being a bit too direct at times, I had done really well!! YAY!!

I started my bday celebrations last night with my girl. We went for shabu-shabu in a cute lil joint near my house. I was filling her in on all the details of the situation with this guy. When I showed her the initial email that he sent me declaring his love and asking me to be his girlfriend, she barely batted an eyelid. She thought it was normal....and cute!!!

Culture difference, eh?

But as she read the other mails that he had sent me, she soon changed her tune! She, along with everyone else, is concerned that he is a mammoth stalker!! He is a nice guy - he's just laying too much out there for my liking. And his sense of humour SUCKS ARSE. Like, REALLY badly!!! But apparently, the "joke" he tried to make, was typical of Japanese men. 

I've never heard a J-guy try and "joke" that badly before!!! HAHHAAHAHAHA.

Ready for it?

Before I actually let you know what he said, I'll set the situation up for you. So basically my girl was moaning that this guy never mails her. I told her that we should swap coz this guy was mailing me all the time. To put it to the test and show her exactly how bad it was, I decided to send him a mail so we could see how quickly he replied. All I did was ask him how work was and told him that I was eating shabu-shabu with a friend.

In under 3 minutes I got a reply.

He told me work was busy and then he hadn't finished yet. And then came the lamest attempt to be funny.

He told me that because of the seriously hard rain, he suit had gotten so soaked, it looked like shabu-shabu.



I read it and OMG I cringed!! Like, I seriously cringed and hung my head. My girl was like show me, show me and when she read it, her face said it all.

What kind of joke is that?! It's not even REMOTELY funny. She joked that I should send a mail telling him that it was totally not funny. And I did!!

Maybe it's coz I put a smiley after it or something, but he didn't realise that I was being 100% serious about it being that shit and he complimented me on my response!! Coz on a comedy show, that kind of response would make the audience laugh.


It's so bad that I'm just incredulous that someone would even dare to be that lame. It's so bad that it's funny.....in a "poor guy" way.


I didn't reply. This morning I got a mail with his ENTIRE work schedule for June and him asking when he could see me. I didn't reply and he told me that he would wait for my answer and for me to take my time.

He's always telling me he can wait, yet I get bombarded with emails every day. Pointless ones as well!! Like the ones that just say things like "Oh it looks like it's gonna rain" and "I'm cooking this or that for dinner".

Good for you! Go cook that for dinner!! Why do you need to tell me about it?!?!!?

What's the point?!

I was thinking about giving him one last chance with a 3rd date and then see what happens after that but I'm gonna send him an email tonight telling him to stop mailing me so much!!! We'll see if he gets the hint. If he does, he gets one more date. If he doesn't, f*** it, I can't be arsed dealing with an over-emotional guy who is old enough to know better and just can't control himself.


Nah! I don't think so!!


Monday 28 May 2012

My Birthday Week Begins!!!

Tonight I kicked off my birthday celebrations!!!

Yes, I know - it's not my birthday until Friday....but you know how I roll!! HAHAHAHA!!

I hit up a gorgeous restaurant and absolutely stuffed my face with an all you can eat shabu-shabu dinner. 

I'm absolutely STUFFED!!

Not only that, but I received my first (and probably only!!) gift - some bath stuff and 3 gorgeous brand handkerchiefs. 

My friend knows me so well!!!! 

Soooooo much fun!!!




About 30 mins after I made it through the front door, it started absolutely chucking down.

Just just heavy rain...I'm talking like hardcore thunderstorm rain!!

Oh...and there's the thunder!!!!

It's just another reminder that I really need to invest in a pair of rainboots!!! I realised that I have no waterproof shoes...well, of course I have a billion pairs of leather shoes, but they don't stop your feet from getting wet in weather like this.

Are we not allowed 2 days of sunshine in a row or something?! Either that or the rainy season has reared it's ugly head early!!! Either way though, it completely matches my mood after a crappy day at work where I have to once again deal with seriously emotionally incompetent people.


I'm an effing good teacher and for the managers and staff I work with to allow clients to treat me like a damn hostess is just insulting.

What I would do to be able to give some of them ******* a slap and get away with it!!!


Sunday 27 May 2012

What The Hell Is This?!


You know what, I am kinda romantic - not insanely, over the top cute fluffy bear romantic, but you know, nice classy restaurant, stunning jewellery and flowers kind of romantic.

But there is nothing that puts me off more than a guy who will just lay it all out there....after ONE date.

Can't stand it.

So I had a great time on my date with the J-guy I told you about before. Good dinner, lots of laughs. We were exchanging mails throughout the week and he started with the whole loada stuff about not being able to stop thinking about me and when it's raining, all he has to do is think about me and it cheers him up.

I didn't reply.


Because when it's raining, all I think about is going on holiday! HAHAHAHA!

But then it came.

A mammoth long email in Japanese.....pouring his heart out to me!!!

You're so great, you're so intelligent, you're so beautiful.....

 .....I love you....

....Please be my girlfriend.

WHAT. THE. F***?!

After ONE date? After the FIRST date?

Are you kidding me?!!?!?!

This is the perfect way to make me leg it in the opposite direction!!!

He is a really sweet guy, so I decided to be nice about it. I just explained it was a culture difference and we don't know anything about each other so I can't be his girlfriend.

Thing is, we'd already arranged to go out again (last night) before he sent this email. I thought it would be cool, but when I saw him I couldn't help but feel insanely awkward and I was paranoid about doing anything that might make him like me more. Because, quite frankly, I don't wanna hear it. It's stupidly early for any of that crap. Ergh...

We went to see a movie. To be fair I was absolutely knackered and by the time the movie ended, I was too tired to stay out for drinks or dinner or anything. I had to work today as well so as well as wanting to leave, I just wanted to sleep!! 

He was really disappointed when I told him that I wanted to go home. When he was walking me back to the station, he just came out and apologised for sending me that mail. When I told him that I was just shocked, he told me that he was being selfish and it's different for him coz he's been "wanting" me for over a year (HUH?!?!?!?!?!) and I've only known him for a couple of weeks. It was way too much for me.

He definitely realised that he had put me off. When I got home, he sent me another email apologising again and told me that he really loves me and asked me to give him another chance. Ufffffff......

What did I do?! Very TACTFULLY told him to knock it off!! HAHAHAHA! I just told him that there's no way he could feel like that so soon and I'd prefer it if he didn't talk like that coz it's makes me feel weird.

He then tried to explain why he did it and spouted loads of stuff about not wanting to miss the opportunity of going on a date me with and losing touch with me.

I resisted the need to tell him that he HAS my contact info already. He's not gonna lose touch!! There was no need to tell me all that!!!!

He told me that he's a good guy and would wait for me!!! Grrrrrr....He asked me to try and understand why he told me his feelings so soon, but to be honest, I can't. I don't.

Not cool.

So how has it been left?

Well, he said he wouldn't say it again and would wait for me to contact him. I'm busy nearly every weekend in June, so I have time to decide whether to see him again.

Isn't it way to much?! I HATE people that behave like this after such a short time. Hate it.


Wednesday 23 May 2012


Barely past 7pm and I could so easily go to bed.

I finished work early today and was home by like 4.30pm, but I was just too knackered to do anything. After cooking an early dinner, I spread out on the couch to catch up with Modern Family.

I didn't even know about this show before I went to Nagoya! It's absolutely hilarious and the best thing is that the epsiodes are super short, so it's really easy to watch even if you don't have a lot of time. 

Problem is, I'm so tired that I started to drift off on the sofa!!!

If I thought that I would be able to sleep all the way through to 5am, I would totally go to bed now. But I know I won't and I don't wanna be eaking up at like 1am and then not be able to go back to sleep. Especially when I have a full day tomorrow.



Tuesday 22 May 2012


I've just watched the final episode EVER of House.


It's one of my favourite shows!

Granted, after 8 seasons, there aren't really many directions the show can go in.

But WHAT a finale!!! I absolutely loved it.

After 8 seasons of tormenting others, House does the most selfless thing he could ever do.


My goodness it would be incredible to have a mind like that. HAHAHA!

So sad it's finished.

Now I need to find something else to replace it with! As if I wasn't watching enough crap on TV already!



This month I've only had 2 days off.


Well you all know I'm going to Guam next week. Not only that but I'm gonna be going back to the UK for 3 weeks in the summer and I won't be paid for it, so I need to make sure that I have some money behind me. Not that I'm saving much, mind you! LOL!

But seriously, it's definitely starting to take it's toll. Even though I don't work all day, every day, I'm still working every day and doing what I do, it's monotonous and I can't get through a single shift without red bull. 

I don't need it coz I'm tired, I need it so I don't fall asleep from complete and utter boredom! Normally I feel fine before the shift actually starts, but the minute I start teaching, my eyelids feel heavy and I'm just TIRED from the lack of stimulation, excitement or anything else!! HAHA! It's just so BORING.

This morning I hardcore felt the effects. My alarm went off at 8.30am and despite being in bed by midnight and getting more than enough sleep, I felt absolutely rough. Drained, heavy, knackered with a stonking headache. Like complete and utter crap. 

So I had to call in and cancel my Japanese lesson - which was a realy shame because I have a whole load of gossip that I wanted to tell my teacher. LOL! I just stayed in bed - I wasn't even sleeping - I was just lying there, willing my body to relax and just get stronger. All I had to do was think about going to Guam next week and already I felt better. 

Now I'm just trying to take it easy at home and I'm feeling knackered again already! I need to go into work later, so I'm just thinking about doing a bit of laundry and then heading back to bed so I don't die at work later. *sigh*

I was talking to one of my colleagues last week about the monotony of the job. Every day you know what you're gonna go in and do. Granted, you may be dealing with a lot of different people, but 9.9 times out of 10 you already know their story. They always fall into an existing category. No surprises, nothing that will impress you. Same old stuff.

And then it dawned on me that I have absolutely no holiday planned from when I get back from the UK in August until I go away at Christmas. Definitely have to do something about that, because that's when I snapped last year - 4 months with no holiday. Ergh - it sounds disgusting. Even a lil trip within Japan would sort that out. I'll start thinking about that in the summer. 

I think it's also scary how much time I spend in front of screens. Computers, phones, TV....I'm always looking at a screen. That's something I defintiely want to change!!! That and my completely unhealthy diet. But let's face it - I am incapable of doing anything about the latter. LOL!

On top of all of that, it's raining. This May has got to be the weirdest spring ever. Hot, cold, hot, cold - what is going on!? It's like spring and the rainy season are intertwined this year. Interesting.....


Monday 21 May 2012


In all my geeky excitement about the eclipse, I forgot to tell you about the ghastly start to the week I've had!


I was walking to the station, absolutely knackered and in a foul mood. I reached into my fantabulous Jimmy Choo to pull out my iPod. Popped in the earphones, pressed play....

.....and realised one of the earphones wasn't working!!!!!!!!


My God, that has got to be one of the most annoying situations ever!!! I had to get on the train and listen to everyone hocking and sniffing and sputtering and just generally being foul. It was torture. 

How did that happen?! They were working perfectly fine yesterday!!! (T T)

What a crappy start to the week!

I'm just worried that it's set the precedent and now the whole week is gonna be shitty.

Yah I know - overdramatic. After a boring shift this morning, it was straight to Bic Camera to buy another pair of hot pink earphones. I swear I get through more headphones than bags!!! OK, maybe not, but you get the idea! Does everyone else get through shitloads as well, or am I just retarded?!

Yah, I thought so! ;-)

Need to start treating my stuff with more care!


Solar Eclipse

All of my clients have been telling me about the eclipse for over a week. 

I even wrote it on my calendar so people would stop "telling" me about it.  I could just point at the calendar and be like, "Yeah, I know".

Problem is, I also knew that I wouldn't be able to see it.

7.30am - right in the middle of a lesson. 


Luckily for me, I have a million friends on hand ready with their cameras and my friend's pictures were absolutely amazing!!

Full Solar Eclipse

 Isn't it gorgeous?! The rest of the pictures are on Facebook so please check them out! She took absolutely loads, but I picked a few of my favourite ones. I just love all the colours and the clouds and that perfect ring of light around the moon. Absolutely stunning!

Even though I couldn't see it directly with my own eyes, I can still appreciate and feel good that I can see it through other people's photos. Thank God for Japan and everyone's obsession with snapping absolutely everything in sight!



Sunday 20 May 2012


So I told you about that Japanese guy that worked in the building I used to work in, yah?

The one that chased my colleague down the street with his business card?


Well, I contacted him and he took me out for dinner last night.(*^_^*)

Awwww the poor guy was a little bit nervous - it was all over his face!! But nothing like a beer to calm the nerves....and that's about all he could handle.

No joke - he must be the weakest drinker that I have ever met in my life!

Actually no - the weakest is definitely my mum - she's lightheaded after half a glass of wine! HAHAHA!

This guy had 2 SMALL glasses of beer and was already visibly drunk.

He didn't do anything bad, he wasn't being embarrassing or anything like that, but I could just tell he was wasted. Poor thing.

So he took me to this great Korean place near Tokyo station. It was really off the beaten track and I loved it coz it had such a local vibe about it and the food was great. It was kinda embarrassing though, coz the staff were telling me that I was the first foreigner to go there, and they all thought I was a model so they were constantly making jokes about rolling out the red carpet and they were treating me like a celebrity.

What's the problem?

I'm NOT!!! I'm just lil ol' me.

We had a great time and went on from there to drinks in the Marunouchi building. It was good, we had fun and lots of conversation. I even got omiyage from Niigata (which he left in the bar!!!) and free cinema tickets - YAY!

Will I see him again?

Watch this space!



Friday 18 May 2012

Party Time!

I absolutely just cannot believe that it's my birthday 2 weeks today.

Not because I'm gonna be 29 but coz it means we're halfway through the year already!

What the hell?!

Where has the time gone?!

Of course, it's very easy for me to be positive about it because it means that this time in 2 weeks, I'm gonna be in Guam!


So looking forward to hitting the beach and having some quality down time with one of my best friends on what will be our last trip together. For the time being anyway! HAHAHA! So excited abotu getting a tan as well - I want my exoticness back!!!

The other reason I'm really excited is because I've alrady made a decision about how I want to spend my 30th.

I KNOW!!! It's crazy to have decided a year in advance and especially since I haven't had my 29th yet, but I was on Facebook the other day and I couldn't help it.

I was looking at the pictures from one of my friends' 30th birthday party.

And no - I'm not trying to copy her....in fact, it's the complete opposite.

She had her birthday party in the same grotty old little pub that we used to drink in when we were 18. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not being a snob and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, I promise. But I couldn't help but feeling that nothing has changed for her. Of course it has and of course there are people who never leave their hometowns and venture out into the big, wide world. That's their decision and that's OK.

But the truth is, I'm just not one of those people! I've done more than that and just looking at that picture made me decide that I want to do something REALLY special to celebrate the big 3-0 next year.

And effing special it's gonna be!!!

I've already put an idea out there to a few people that I want to celebrate with me. I wasn't sure at first but I'm actually pretty stunned at the overwhelmingly positive reaction that I've had, even telling people about it a year in advance, that I've decided to go ahead and definitely do it. For those of you that I've told already, I'm going to be finalizing everything by the end of the year in terms of dates and stuff so you will have plenty of time to get ready.

But in the meantime I have Guam to get excited about!!! So ready for a holiday, it's unbelievable!!!

Work wise as well, there is an interesting venture on the horizon. So I'm gonna wait and see what happens with that. Until then, I need to try and get myself out of this funk I'm in right now at work. I need a motivational kick up the arse!



Wednesday 16 May 2012

Such A Dilemma

I really still am having a dilemma about these Olympic tickets.

Although to be honest I think I might be too late - I checked the website and I think they may have already sold out. I don't know what the deal is with my friend who said he could get me them because it's definitely a no holds situation.

I've spoken to so many people and only 3 out of at least 30 have told met hat if I feel that passionately about it, then I should go for it. 3!!!! My grandad is also an avid athletics fan and he told me to get the ticket and then sell it.

That's what I decided to do.

Until I actually looked into it online and found out that all auction sites are banning the selling of Olympic tickets. I also found out that trying to sell the tickets on any kind of website, FB, advertising or anything like that is punishable by a £20,000 fine.


That means you need to actually KNOW someone who will pay stupid money for the ticket if you want to make a profit. The only way you can legally sell the ticket online is through the resale site....which means you have to sell the ticket at face value or less. 

That's shagged that one then hasn't it?!

So that leaves me back to square one.

But I was looking at the site and there are some tickets for the Men's 4x100m relay still available. There's tickets at £725 and £420. I would DEFINITELY go for the £420 ones - I can comfortably afford that. Think is though, there are priority sales which means people who applied and were unsuccessful before get priority. The only tickets available for people who are applying for the first time aren't for any events that I'm interested in. Of course the athletics are my numebr one choice - everything else I'm perfectly happy watching on TV. Having said that if there were tickets for the swimming or gymnastics for under 100 quid, I'd be right there.

Grrrr.....the more I get knocked back. the more I want to go!!!!!

Why can't I be insanely loaded?!

I also found out that they're gonna have like a Henman Hill for the games. That's something at least. I'm gonna load of with food and be down there as much as possible!!!


Glow, Glow, Glow

OK, so I'm not a natural beauty. Never have been, never will be.

I NEED make up.

In fact 9.9 out of 10 girls look better with their make up on.

But today - I'm going make up less all day! 


No joke - for the first time in ages, my skin looks AMAZING and is absolutely GLOWING!!! I'm not sure how long it'll last but I'm gonna enjoy it and show it off today!

So what happened?

I walked to the gym this morning with every intention of hitting up my aqua class, but when I got to the gym, I realised that I had forgotten my swimming costume!!!

DOH!!! Dumbarse.

So I decided to just pamper myself all morning instead!!! I treated my hair to a thick, conditioning hair mask, nipped into the dry sauna, then to the cold bath, then into the mist sauna, then back into the cold bath and then back into the dry sauna and then back into the cold bath.

Feeling super relaxed, I put on a caviar face mask. Man, you've gotta love Korean skincare. Missha do the BEST face masks I have ever used and I absolutely LOVE them!! When I took it off after 15 minutes, I had to do a double take in the mirror. 

My skin looked absolutely AMAZING!!!!

Even now it feels insanely soft, looks incredibly clear and is all bright and glowing. 


How's that for making you feel good right before you turn 29?!



Tuesday 15 May 2012


OMG my mind is all over the place today.

Work, holidays, men, these damn Olympic tickets.

Up, down, up, down - that's the best way to describe my mood today.


Maybe it's the rain. It can do that to one's mood.

So what's running through my mind?


Let's start with work.

I miss the training. I really do. When the training was taken away from me, my motivation went with it. 

The lack of feedback, criticism, appreciation and support over the last couple of months hasn't exactly done anything to help it either.

So basically I have absolutely zero motivation to go in and do what I do. But I have been checking job sites everyday and will take on something else part time from September. I can't keep working around people who are doing the jobs I want and I KNOW I can do a billion times better than them. It's too frustrating.


I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to hitting up Guam in a few weeks and getting back in the sun with my super special friend and travel buddy. I can't think of any better to be there with. =)

I've also decided that for the big 3-0 next year, I am definitely going to go to Hawaii. I'm not joking though - once I hit 30, I swear I'm not going to get any older - HAHAHAHA!!

I'm feeling good about going back to London this summer as well. So many people to catch up with and I'm kinda pumped about hitting up Wales and Ireland - I haven't been to either in donkey's years! But the whole trip home of course revolves around the Olympics and I honestly couldn't sleep last night trying to decide what to do about the tickets. 

It breaks my heart to have to turn them down but I'm just thinking sensibly for once in my life!!!!! If it was £500 or under I would totally do it. But I'm on a financial downward spiral this year after spending that month doing the CELTA in Thailand. That set me back a fair bit and it looks like it's going to have a knock-on effect throughout the whole year.

Thing is, I can't just WORK WORK WORK with no holiday. I can't. Look what happened last year when I hadn't taken a trip for 4 months! I went effing crazy. In any other job it wouldn't be a problem,, but you have to understand the monotony of one-on-one teaching for huge periods of time....with the same clients you just can't escape from every week.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could choose them and not the other way around.


**sigh sigh sigh**

One of my best J-girlfriends came over last night. We were talking about the men in our lives and she just turned around and asked me "There are so many men that you like - why are you still single?" 

It's a very valid point.

But someone has very recently come into the running which has shaken things up a bit and completely shocked me!!! You know when you've known someone for a long time and then just out of nowhere you start to look at them differently?! That's just happened and it's very bizarre!!! We've always joked about hooking up before and it was all just stupid conversation. I wonder when that happened?! Weird.

But you all know it's about the 6'5" worth of sexiness. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

 Ergh - need a nap before I have to go into work.

More to come.



Monday 14 May 2012

To Buy Or Not To Buy?

You all know I'm an athletics fanatic.

I was a 100m sprinter, relay runner and long jumper back in the day. I watch the Olympics, World Championships, European Championships, plus all the Indoor Championships religiously.

I've grown up idolizing athletes and have met a few through events and having athletes as close friends. One of which will lead me to meet Usain Bolt this summer.

All the athletes participating only get limited concession tickets, and even those are only for the days that they are competing, so I have been trying to work out how to get in there. My friend's working on it for me too! HAHAHA!

But today I got a mail from him telling me that he could get hold of a ticket for me.

For which event?

The most sought-after of course.

The MEN'S 100M FINAL!!!!!

What's so special about these particular tickets I'm being offered?


OH. MY. F******. GOD!!!!!!!!

What's the damage?

A whopping £725!!!!!!!!!! (95,000 yen)

Here's the thing.

I CAN afford it. I CAN.

But the other half of me sees that money and thinks that I can totally take a trip with that kinda cash. Am I really gonna spend it on something that's gonna last under 10 seconds?!

It would be like a dream come true to be there. At the line. The final. I would effing die.

Then there's the part of me that's thinking about buying the ticket and then selling it.

I reckon I could get at LEAST double. At least. That would be a tidy little profit that could cover the cost of my flight back to London and I would still have some left over.

But the problem is I know that once that ticket's in my hand, it would absolutely just break my heart to give it up. This is something that I've DREAMED of for years. 

The 100m men's final.

There are tickets available. It's one of the first events to sell out, if not THE first event.

Am I really gonna pass up the opportunity of a lifetime because of money?

£725 for under 10 seconds. Can I really justify that?!

Just BEING there could be enough. 

OMG but I could be INSIDE. I could be AT THE FINISH LINE. Watching the winner burst through that line and take gold. See the medal giving ceremony. Be close enough to touch them when they cross that line.

This is serious stuff.

I know so many people can't understand forking out so much money for Olympic tickets.

But this time it's different.

It's on home turf.

And these aren't just any effing seats. These are PRIME EFFING LOCATION. You couldn't ask for better.

This has been a lifelong dream of mine. And now I have the chance to fulfill it. It would be the most amazing 10 seconds. It's the final - the atmosphere will be ELECTRIC. And it's in LONDON. My city. My home. I want to go.

It's a crap loada money. But I need to make a decision soon.

We all have dreams. Wouldn't you pay to realize yours?


Sunday 13 May 2012

What Sundays Are For!!!!

You know that it's so rare for me to have a Sunday off.

Every time I go out on a Saturday night, I normally have to bail somewhere between 1 and 2am so that I have enough time to sleep off the booze and get up for work the next day.

But not today!!!!!! With fantastic company, I partied the night away and caught the first train back home - something I haven't done in absolutely ages!! Even if I don't have to work the next day, I normally bail around 4 and just catch a cab.


What was even more shocking for me was the time I woke up today.

Normally even when I'm going to bed at like 7am, I still find myself waking up at around 11 or 12 and then feeling shit for the whole day.

This morning I opened my eyes, rolled over and looked at the clock.



No joke - I actually have no idea the last time I managed to lay in until that late. Unbelievable!

Actually feels a little bit gross as well!!!

But I'm still glad coz the hangover isn't tooooooo bad. Just a teeny little headache.

But combined with cramps (stupid Mother Nature), I am NOT feeling good today!!!!

So it's gonna be an afternoon of catching up with online TV for me sprawled out on the sofa.

Time to put the kettle on.

Actually I'm seriously craving some ice cream....shame I can't be arsed to go out and get some!


Thursday 10 May 2012


OMG I am beyond tired today!!

Working a split shift, so I left work at 11.30 and I'm gonna have a nice long nap before I have to go back in at 5.30pm.

Right after I watch an episode of BNTM of course!! HAHAHA!!!

I've got an ice pack strapped to my ankle to help keep the swelling down. It doesn't feel as painful today, but it seems to come and go every time I walk, so the few hours rest will be good for it...and my mind!!!

Looking R-O-U-G-H!!!!


Wednesday 9 May 2012


So I told you a billion times before that I was in Nagoya for GW.

I was actually pleasantly surprised because I thought that being GW in Japan, everywhere we went would be so unbearably crowded, but it wasn't. =)

The bus trip down there was uncomfortable - but what can you expect for under 4000 yen?! It was pouring when I arrived and I had no umbrella and was tired. I trekked through Nagoya station, which was way bigger than I was expecting, and made my way to the subway to meet my friend.

Back at her LeoPalace apartment, we settled in for a night of curry, wine and lots of gossip! It was so nice to just kick back and do nothing - especially with the knowledge that I wouldn't have to wake up to an alarm!! Not that it mattered - I was up at stupid o'clock anyway!!

Over the time there we managed to hit up the main sightseeing spots - Nagoya Port, Atsuta Shrine, Sakae, Osu Kannon and Meijo Park, as well as try a lot of local cuisine.

I've posted the pics on FB so please check them out!!!

It was great to be out of Tokyo. Even though Nagoya is the country's third biggest city, it didn't feel like it - in fact it felt more like Kyushu, which was nice but a ltitle strange at the same time. The pace was so slow - it took a day to fall into step with everyone else, but I really enjoyed observing people and manners and their fashion. 

What did I notice?


Manner-wise - LOVED IT!! People there are so loud and chatty and when you get on any of the trains, there is always SOMEONE having a right old natter!

I also loved how many Brazilians there were there. We went out one night and I got to bust out all four of my languages - ususally within the same conversation - and then best bit about it was that everyone could understand me - even though it was a mix of 3 or more lingos.

Also quite a nice change to be hit on so much - even if it is by students who were probably at least 8 years younger than me!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

That was such a fun night - I danced my arse off in ridiculous stilettos. Not only were my ankles caning the next day, but even now my left ankle has started to swell and I'm pretty sure it's sprained!! I've strapped it up so hopefully it will get better soon.

The whole trip was rounded off by 3 hours of karaoke which is always a giggle!!! Even when you;re hungover, have a sore throat and look like crap!!!

Back into Tokyo, I am just gonna work my arse off and look forward to my birthday and GUAM!!!!


Tuesday 8 May 2012


You know what, yeah....

Normally I wouldn't be even a tiny bit impressed with what I'm about to tell you....

But because it's so RARE for it to happen, I can't help but be (not so) secretly impressed.

So at work today, one of my coworkers came and approached me and told me that he had something for me. It was a business card.

Whose business card?

A guy who worked in the office below mine in our old building!

Our company moved location from yesterday. In the old building, I used to see this guy around every now and then when I was taking the elevator. We never really shared anything more than a few words - I didn't even know his name!!! But he always noticed when I changed my hair or if I was wearing different coloured lenses and he always asked me if I was feeling OK when I looking rough!! HAHAHA!!! I always thought he was a bit of a cutie but...I dunno....it didn't really dawn on me to do anything about it.

The last time I saw him was a couple of weeks ago and I remember he asked when he was moving. After I told him, he looked kinda sad and I thought at the time that I should at least introduce myself and see if he wanted to do lunch. I didn't though - I'm not sure why...maybe I thought it would be dumb, I dunno.

So he basically asked my cowoker to give me his businesscard. His description of me must have been pretty OK if my coworker knew who he was talking about...having said that, there aren't many girls working in the office, so it probably wasn't even that hard! 

Am I going to contact him?

You know what - I think I am!


Well - why not?!?!

It's so rare for me to be approached like that by a Japanese guy, that I can't help but be intrigued!! And if he went to all that trouble, I dunno...I'm finding myself somewhat curious and a little impressed!

We'll see.


Tuesday 1 May 2012


I received my official certificate and final grade for my CELTA from Cambridge today.

To see it printed out in black and white made me smile. 

Not only was it a reminder of how well I did (:P), but it was also a reminder of how effing hard I worked during that month in Thailand and restored faith that hard work DOES pay off. Maybe not in the company I'm working for now, but it DOES. 

I'm feeling super proud at the moment!!! 

But, no time to waste sitting around giving myself a pat on the back. I need to get everything ready for my trip to Nagoya NOW. I'm working until 10pm tonight and then I've got lessons from 7am tomorrow, so there won't be time to do any packing in the morning.

Busy, busy, busy.
