“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 28 November 2008

I Can't Feel My Toes....

.....and I'm wearing tights and 2 pairs of socks.


For God's Sake!!!

It's absolutely FREEZING in school!!!

I haven't taken my jacket or scarf off all week.

And today, one of my teachers grinned and me and told me that they would be turning on the heating in the staff room from next week. He then punched the air.

The heating should already be on. I think the sight of all the teachers shivering and clutching onto their cups of tea for dear life should be a bit of a hint.

I hate the way this country abides by dates. The heating can't be turned on until a certain date - despite the fact that it is colder than it was last November. Just like the air con can't be put on until a certain date in the summer. Despite the fact that everyone is dripping with sweat.

Why can't they just pay attention to the weather?

If it's cold on a summer evening, you put on a jacket. You don't just freeze coz it's the summer and you're not sposed to need a jacket.

It's exactly the same thing!!

I guess I should be grateful I'll get to sit in a heated room at all. Unlike the poor kids who freeze their arses off coz of the lack of heating and the strict uniform rules. I shiver just looking at my elementary kids in their little shorts.


Thursday 27 November 2008

What a Session

I just got back from the gym.

And I'm absolutely knackered!!!

My aerobics class turned into step for the last half hour and my aqua class worked my arms even MORE than usual and now they are seriously aching.

I'm eating a lot before I go to my classes to make sure I don't burn off anything that's already there.

I was off school last week and this week all I'm getting from the teachers is comments about my weight loss.

Apparently my face has serious definition now.

Huh! Like it's a bad thing to have cheekbones!!!

Plan B

So if shit blows up in Thailand, I have a Plan B.

I will fly into Cambodia, bus it over to Laos and then bus it to the northern part of Vietnam and fly back from Hanoi.

I said I wanted to go back and finish Vietnam.

Maybe I'll have the chance now!

Whether it's Thailand or Vietnam, I will still be on the beach!

But for now, I'm just keeping a close eye on the news. I'll wait and see what happens in Bangkok and then make a decision by the end of next week.


Just My Luck

It's just one thing after another, I swear!!

I finally got my arse in gear last week and booked my holiday to Thailand.

And what happens?

The airport is closed!

Damn those protesters!!

I just hope it all gets sorted out. But I'm looking for alternative destinations just in case.

Which is a bit shitty coz I was totally set on the whole Thailand, Laos, Cambodia trip. I guess I could just do Laos and Cambodia.....


Wednesday 26 November 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe that next week it's gonna be December.

HOW fast has the year gone?!

It's like Christmas ha suddenly crept up on me. And I only realised when I was going through my diary and saw that in 3 weeks I'm gonna be in Thailand! Absolutely insane!

Saying that though, the summer does seem like such a long time ago...

I wanna do my Xmas shopping in London!!!!!


Tuesday 25 November 2008

Work It Baby!!

LOL I was such a retard in my step class today!

Some of those moves are HARD!!

And I was completely dripping with sweat!


I caught a glimpse in the mirror. I have a 6 pack!!! It's not like super defined or anything, but it is definitely there! I was like 'Where did that come from?!'

I've only been doing aerobics classes. I never realised I was working my stomach muscles so much!

But it's alllll good.

Now I'm just concentrating on putting all that weight back on.

Not A Chance in Hell

Is it bad that I'm not studying for the JLPT?

In fact, I stopped studying for it about a week after I applied to take it.

I was so busy with school prep during the day and too tired in the evening to study.

Not to mention what's been happening recently.

Even if I was to cram everyday for the next 2 weeks, I still wouldn't stand a chance of passing.

So I'm not even going to bother.

The only reason I'm still taking the test is because I've already paid for it. So I may as well see how I do. I already know that I will fail so it's not like I'm gonna be disappointed when the results come out.

But I will start studying for it again from February next year.

And next time, I'm gonna ace it.


MyJHS has tests this week so I have been in the staff room all morning.


All the teachers were typing away on their laptops. And then suddenly I heard this noise.

Click. Click.

It started to get really annoying so I turned around to see what it was.

There was a teacher clipping his nails at his desk.

Now, for me, that in itself is bad enough. But then I noticed that he was using ordinary clippers - not even the ones that collect the nail clippings!


Isn't this something that you should do within the confines of your own home?!

I guess I should be grateful it wasn't someone clipping their toenails!

Monday 24 November 2008

Retail Therapy

Nothing like shopping to get you back on track!

Although, I have been really good.

I went to the Tosu Outlets yesterday. It was absolutely rammed.

And all I bought was a hat!!!


And then I went to Saga's Youme town today...and only bought a bag.

I'm not surprised though - I generally don't buy a lot when I go to Youme town.

Just saving it all for a good session in Fukuoka next weekend!

Oh, and I have decided to buy an ipod nano. I really like the design more than the other MP3 players. And although the biggest size is only 16GB, I've decided to just rotate the songs that I put on it.

My iriver had 7000 songs on it. But I was thinking about how many of those I actually listened to. I guess I just liked having the OPTION of listening to them whenever I like.

But a nano is cheap and it looks good. So I think I will buy one.


I finally got what I needed.


And now I feel like I can move on.

Now I can start to be OK.

Thank you for your support.


Saturday 22 November 2008


I had to go to the hospital today to get a letter coz I've had so much time of school.

Well, taking sick leave has come right round to bite me in the arse!!

After listing a few fake symptoms to the nurse, she took my temperature and a blood test.

Turns out I'm spiking a fever at 38.1 and have a mild bacterial infection!!!!!

And I didn't even know!!

That'll teach me!

Friday 21 November 2008

It's Long Distance's Fault

The strength has gone.

Now I am just hurting. Really bad.

Seeing the words down on the page. I have lost my boyfriend. It's like it's just hit me.

That's it - he's not here anymore. And I didn't even get to see him.

That is what I hate the most. We have gone through this split. Over the phone.

There was no seeing him for one last time. That really hurts.

Long distance ruins everything. I tried but I feel like a fool for thinking that it would work. Because it never seems to.

You have to work so, so hard. And we did. But long distance inevitably forces change upon people. And those changes are sometimes good, sometimes bad.

I struggled from the beginning. The sense of loss just became stronger and stronger for me. Everyone told me that it would get easier but it never did. Everyday I just seemed to miss him more and more. I would ache to see him.

It went downhill from the moment I left. Feeling myself get more and more unhappy, I tried so hard because I didn't want to lose him. I DON'T want to lose him. I didn't want this to end. Not oin the slightest. I would have done anything for him. But looking at the person I was becoming. I hated it. Constantly worrying and upset. And just feeling so low every single day that I couldn't see him.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I dozed off at maybe 5.30am. I was just lying there - too shocked and sad to cry. Just reliving all our memories. Most of the trips I've been on since I've been here have been with him. He is an amazing travel buddy - because it's so easy to travel with him. Because he can stand up and tell me what he wants to do (only in this area though!!!). There's none of that polite, holding back stuff where people constantly say they don't mind when they really do.

I'm gutted to lose that. So gutted.

The pain that I know I will have to go through is scaring the shit out of me. I don't want to feel it.

I miss him so much already.

It's Over

It finally happened.

I split up with my boyfriend.

The last month has been pure heartache for me. I hit a point that I have never been before in my entire life. My heart is broken and I'm scared about the length of time that it's going to take to fix it.

But now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


Because now I know EXACTLY where I stand. Now I don't have to worry. Now I don't have to wonder why he's not answering my calls, what he's doing and who he's doing it with. I don't have to be brutally quizzed every time I go to a bar or a club about who I went with and what I did.

We were dating for nearly 15 months.

My longest relationship.

He turned me into a softie. I completely let me guard down and I gave him my heart. Anyone who knows me knows how much I loved this man.

We have fantastic memories. He became my best friend, my travel partner. He was the guy I wanted to marry.

And then he left. He moved away and everything changed. I saw him a lot at first. And then he became busy and I became broke.

Obviously the reasons for the split run a lot deeper than this. But they're reason I don't wish to divulge. Because they're private.

We're both sad. I only recently realised this had to happen. The heartache was killing me to a point where I couldn't even keep my food down and I burst into tears in the middle of a lesson. I couldn't go on like that. It would kill me. I stepped on the scales at the gym today for the first time since.....maybe I started?

I was 58kilos when I joined the gym.

I'm 53kilos now.

I know I know!!!! But it wasn't intentional. And I promise you that I will be doing everything I can to put the weight back on. I've been so low over the last month and it's affected every aspect of my life.

But now I feel that I have some kind of closure. But that does not mean that I'm not upset.

Because I am.

I said before. My heart is broken. He did this to me. I'm scared of the pain. It hurts so much.

I need your help and support to fix it. I can't do it by myself. And seeing it all down in writing has made me realise how real all of this is.

And now it's really starting to hurt.

Thursday 20 November 2008


The way that I feel now is something I have never experienced in my entire life.

Pure heartbreak.

It hurts so much. Like, physically hurts. I can't eat, sleep, I constantly feel sick.

How the hell do people cope with this?

Fuck men - no one is having my heart again.


Wednesday 19 November 2008


I have FINALLY updated my MySpace page.

After 1 year!!

Here it is


I was actually a little bit disappointed when I was updating. MySpace is totally turning into Facebook. Or the other way around - whatever. So I didn't bother doing too much to it!!

But take a look anyway!




How COLD is it today?!

I'm in class wearing my coat and scarf and my whole body is shivering.

Man I feel so sorry for the kids. The girls aren't even allowed to wear tights!! In a classroom with no heating?! It just seems so cruel.

They're all sitting there with blankets on their laps and the little hand warmers ( i really need to buy some of those when I get paid).

Over the last couple of weeks, the temperature has just dropped. The heating is constantly on in my apartment but I'm refraining from using the kotatsu or electric blanket just yet. Because I know what December-February is like. And if I start using them now, I will struggle like hell with the cold when it gets even worse.

It just makes it so damn hard to get up in the morning!!!

Tuesday 18 November 2008


So you may or may not have noticed that at the end of each post there are 'Reactions'.


It's basically to generate more feedback because no one ever leaves any comments!!!

So if you just take a sec to quickly click on one of the reactions after you read the entry, that would be awesome!! Obviously, if none of them apply, then don't!!

It's funny coz with blogs you really don't know how people are responding to you. I've said before I get a bit of feedback via facebook. But this seems like a quick way to see if I'm making you guys laugh, cry or just feel sorry for me!! LOL!!!

Not that the reactions are gonna make a difference to anything I write!! I'm just curious!!



At the end of October/beginning of November I went to Vietnam for 5 days.

Before I went, I didn't know a damn thing about that country. As in literally NOTHING.

What a fantastic place. I only got to go to Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh City as it's now called) because I went for such a short time, but I would definitely like to go back and see the rest of the country.

So let me start with the nightlife - completely unimpressed. Every club and every bar was like a meat market. No one seemed to be there just to enjoy themselves and listen to music. It was also really weird because every time a guy came and talked to me or my friend, it's like they automatically launch an attack on whatever country you're from (if it's different to theirs) and you find yourself on the defence. Wankers.

Next, the food. The most popular food in Vietnam is Pho Bo. This is it. Now don't get me wrong, it is really good. And the taste can vary so much depending on what you put in it, but to be honest I think it's totally overrated!! I had such a big build up to it as well!!

The transport. I've never seen so mnay bikes on the road in my life. There are few cars but MILLIONS of bikes. The first time we had to cross the road took us God knows how long - there are crossings, but no lights!! So you basically have to leg it whenever you can. Or wait for someone else to go first and then use them as a human shield. LOL - we got pretty good at doing that.

The history of the country is amazing. Without a doubt the War Remnants Musuem and the Cu Chi Tunnels proved to be the most difficult viewing.

The first picture is an example of some of the traps that were used to capture soldiers on the Cu Chi battlefields. It was absolutely pouring with rain when we went there (hence the extremely fashionable attire in the second picture) and it kind of put this mood over the whole scene.

The second pic is me firing an AK-47. Yep, no joke. I was so excited about having such a big gun in my hands I wasn't ready for how powerful ir really was, and after firing the first shot, I was forced backwards. And even with the headphones on, my ears were still ringing afterwards.

The third pic is from the War Remnants Musuem. These are the 'Tiger Cages' where the French colonists held and tortured prisoners. Seeing the descriptions and images of the tortures were absolutely horrible. For example, they would strap a prisoner down, put a bandage over the nose, shove a tube down there throat, and pump their stomach full of water. They would then stamp on the stomach and watch and laugh as blood and water came exploding through the prisoner's nose.

Vietnam has amazing silk. If you ever want anything silk, that is the place to get it. I got a couple of dresses made for me and they're absolutely gorgeous and were really cheap. I just LOVED the feel of the silk on my skin.

Good stuff.



I've been so desperate to shriek this at the teacher who sits 2 desks down from me.

I don't want to be mean to him coz he's actually really nice and is one of the few who slows his Japanese down so that I can understand him.

But damn when that guy is drinking his tea I wanna thump him.

He slurps so loudly with every sip. And then goes 'aaahhhhhhh' after EVERY sip.

It is so annoying!!!

And ever since then, I've started to notice how much the other teachers slurp too.

It's tormenting me!!


Monday 17 November 2008


I love planning trips.

I love travelling.

So I'm in the process of planning my Christmas trip. I'm gonna go Thailand, Laos and Cambodia - in that order.

So it will be Thailand for Xmas and Cambodia for NYE.

I was thinking about going just to Thailand but they're all so close and easy to get to, I figured I may as well do them all. I've already done Vietnam so it makes sense to finish off that whole area.

How exciting!!

Now I just have to wait til payday to pay for the damn thing!



Hungry, Hungry, Hungry!!

OMG I can't wait until payday so I can buy me some stuff to actually cook with!!!!

I'm been looking at all these yummy recipes online and they are making my mouth WATER!!!

Especially all the cake recipes.


I'm gonna stuff my face.

Sunday 16 November 2008


Don't you just love the thrill of doing something that you totally shouldn't be?



Lazy Sunday

I have done absolutely bugger all today.

Except for sleeping and watching Arrested Development. So glad to finally have my hands on Season 3.

I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch but I am properly BROKE. As in I have 1000yen to last me until payday. So eating out is out of the equation.

I can't wait till payday. There's so much stuff I need to buy. The first being my external so I can start getting all my music back.

Actually there's loads of stuff I want. But I should save the money to pay for my Christmas trip. I really do need to book that soon....

And I totally can't be arsed to go to school tomorrow either. OMG - I actually have a full week of classes this week!! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Smiling Again

I had a blindin night last night.

I put on a cute lil hot pink dress, went into town...

...and danced my arse off!!

I was so tired getting the first train back though. Prob coz I was still a bit drunk as well.

I got on the train and this fool sat down next to me. My Japanese is good enough now so I basically told him that I wasn't in the mood to talk and asked him to move away.

Jesus the guy did not give up!! I was like seriously!!!! Why do I get all the weird ones. So I decided to pretend that I didn't understand anything he said. That didn't work either coz the shit that kept coming out of his mouth just made me snigger.

It was all the crap like 'Oh I think I love you', 'Your hair is so cool' and all that bullshit.


It was soooo annoying!! I just wanted to chill out on the train ride back. I gave up being polite and just turned around and said in English...

'Seriously, just fuck off'

LOL!!! He looked so surprised he got up and sat somewhere else! Not before he tried to kiss my cheek though. Dickhead.

Made me giggle though.


Saturday 15 November 2008

Ciao Ciao

I'm about to leave to go Fukuoka.

And I am dressed to kill!!!

Have a good night sweeties!!

Ciao ciao


Seriously Hot Legs

All these classes I'm doing at the gym are really paying off. So is the swimming.

My legs are looking even more toned than usual. And are getting REALLY strong and defined.

The classes I do at the gym are aerobics, step aerobics and aqua aerobics.

The aqua aerobics is doing wonders for toning my arms.

When I can, I go to another aerobics class which isn't at the gym and is seriously intense. It leaves me DRENCHED in sweat. What I don't like about that class is that it's not in a gym so there are no shower facilities. Nice!

But I am still stuffing my face with whatever crap I can lay my hands on to make sure that I don't lose weight.

I told you this before - I wanna tone up and get fit. Not lose weight. Not that I've actually stepped on the scales to check.

I really enjoy going to these classes. The old women in them are soooo cute. And today in the step class I actually saw a couple of people I know. This woman made me feel bad in the changing room afterwards because she said that she felt so embarrassed standing next to me because her whole body was going south. If you know what I mean. I told her not to be stupid. At least she wasn't making a retard of herself with the simple step moves!!!



I hate the rain.

It just puts a damper on your mood.

But what I hate more...

...is going out in the rain. But I learnt my lesson - never bother with your hair!! LOL!!

So yah, I hate going out in the rain but I'm gonna do it anyway. I spent last night at a friend's house watching movies and I watched another one today.

So it's definitely time to get my groove on!!!


Friday 14 November 2008

Just Here

I don't really have much to say today.

It's just been one of those days where there's been nothing really on my mind (for a change) and I'm just feeling really tired and glad it's the weekend.

This like week has been an emotional rollercoaster. And don't get me wrong, the feelings are still there...but I think I may be emotionally exhausted.

So glad it's the weekend and I get a couple of days to chill out and try and get shit sorted.

Thursday 13 November 2008

The MP3 Debate

There is a new contender...

...the Microsoft Zune


Check it out...

The features are incredible...although I know I don't need them all.

I've read loads of reviews on this one and it is being compared to the iPOD classic.

Let me know what you think!

Go Away!

For just one minute I don't wanna have to feel this pain.

I'm seriously suffering! Normally when I have a prob I get to forget about it while I'm teaching.

But this pain is constantly there. I'm in the classroom and it's like a robot is there - not me. Because even as I'm speaking, I'm thinking. And then I always feel like crying.

It's actually CONSTANT pain.

And it's killing me.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Don't you hate it when....

...someone is SO BLATANTLY lying to you?

It's like, they know they're lying, you know their lying but they carry on protesting that they're not and there's nothing that you can do to prove that they are. It's just a feeling that you have....but it's not a suspicion..YOU KNOW.

It's one of the most frustrating situations to be in. Normally, if it was just a suspicion, you would have to take the bait and trust that what they are telling you is the truth. Because you have no other choice. But when you KNOW someone is lying, it's so hard to reveal to them that you know they are because it would involve breaking someone else's confidence.

No wonder people find it hard to trust people like this.


The new iRIVER is SICK!!!!

I remember when I first got mine 4 years ago, I was having the same debate. The iRIVER won by a mile.

And I think it will again!!

I'm looking for a new mp3 player. 60-80gb. And as usual it's the iPOD-iRIVER battle.

The iRIVER has a better battery life. I have read literally hundreds of reviews and haven't seen a single one to say the contrary. What I really like about the iRIVER is that you can control everything from a remote. For me that is so handy because you can just clip it onto your jacket and never need to touch the main player.

But I like the look of the iPOD. I always have done. I just hate the controls - that annoying circle control thingy just does my nut. At the same time I have never been a fan of Apple. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't give it a go though.

I love that fact that the iRIVER stores data in more than one format. Has the iPOD caught up with this? I also want a colour screen and be able to play awesome music videos.

I'm interested in people's opinions on this! So if you have a 20gb+ iPOD or iRIVER, let me know what you think!!!

Another Weird Sighting

LOL - why do I keep seeing really weird stuff?

I was leaving the BOE office and I saw the guy that was supposed to be fixing the drinks machine lying face down on the floor.

And then I realised he was doing press ups!!! In the entrance to the office?! He heard my heels and sprung up and began doing whatever he was sposed to be doing to the machine in the first place.

He looked so guilty, I couldn't help but snigger!!

But he was on the hefty side so trying to fit a bit of exercise in wherever possible isn't a bad thing I guess!!

Weird eh?

Ah man

I'm all ready but I totally don't wanna got ot school today.

I'm scared that what happened on Monday will happen again today. Actually, I'm pretty sure it will because I'm already starting to feel sick.

And I only have 2 lessons this morning. Which means that I have time to think in the spare periods.


Tuesday 11 November 2008

This Is For You Girl

This is a message just for Tori.

She says she's going through an emotional turmoil with me.

That's because I'm going through an emotional turmoil!! A complete headfuck.

But I did forget to blog about something I saw on Sunday.

It's really gross though. So it's not really the happy note you wanted girl but it will def make you go EEUUUUWWWWW

So I was on the bus in Fukuoka stuck in traffic. You know how you just look around and stuff.....and I ended up looking down into the car that was driving along next to the bus.

There was a guy in there fiddling with something in his lap. I was like 'Damn, he's seriously struggling there....'

And then the traffic moved on and as he put both hands on the steering wheel, I saw it....

....and erect penis!!

The dirty bastard was having a wank in his car!!!! As soon as the traffic stopped again he was back at it. I was twisting my face in disgust when he looked up and saw me. And then the fool tried to drive off and moved a couple of centimetres forward...duh...you're stuck in traffic and I can STILL see you!!!

I mean , seriously!!!! He couldn't wait?!?!

That image has haunted me since. And still makes me twist my face up in disgust.

LOL - not exactly a happy note but not a depressing one either!!!!

Where Did You Go?!

I always thought that I was a really strong person.

But the events of late have broken me.

Everyone always says that it's gonna hurt for a long time before things even remotely seem to be getting better.

So looks like I'm going to be broken for a long time.

Nothing seems to be able to take my mind of stuff. Not even temporarily.


Monday 10 November 2008

US Shows

I am completely up to date with:

Prison Break
Gossip Girl
Ugly Betty
How I Met Your Mother

How crazy is it that I'm watching so many shows at the same time? And I get so impatient waiting for each new episode. LOL - I should really check when they're being aired.

The problem with these shows?

There isn't a single one that doesn't remind of something that I'm going through right now. Whether it's a problem I'm having, whether it's how I want things to be, something I want, something I've already experienced.

Everything right now just seems to remind me of this shitty time that I'm going through. Every one of those sitcoms has made me cry. Well, actually the latest episode of How I Met Your Mother didn't....wait...yeh it did.

For some reason I thought smoking might help. I took one drag and was sick. I forget how much I hate them. I really do.

I feel so empty inside.

But I know I can find the strength. It will just take a bit of time that's all.

Don't feel sorry for me. It's not the kind of support I need.

Although, I'm not sure what I need right now.

Just don't feel sorry for me.

I'll whoop your arse!

Thank You.....

....for your support.

You know who you are.


Is heartache making me sick?!?!

During this morning I was unable to take my mind of my personal problems.

That never happens - normally teaching is the perfect distraction.

But not this time.

I spent all 4 periods this morning feeling nauseous as hell. And then when it got to lunch time, I walked into the staff room, smelt the food and ran to the toilet and threw up.

I got taken to the nurse's room and told to lie down during lunch. They took my temperature and the like and then...asked me if I wanted to do a pregnancy test!!! I was like..er no...I'll be fine.

I was then given the option to go home coz I'd finished all my classes for the day. As crazy as it may sound, I declined. I told them if I went home I would sleep for too long and then wouldn't be able to sleep later. What a lame excuse.

The truth of the matter is, if I went home, I would spend the whole afternoon thinking. And given my current state of mind, that would be a disaster. Everytime I'm home, I manage to wind myself up in a state. Even now I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can't eat and I'm not sleeping well either.

I need my London friends here. I'm not strong enough to get through this on my own.

The pain is too much.

And I swear it's killing me inside. Organ by organ.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Is it worth it?

I swear down...

NOTHING is worth this much heartache.


Saturday 8 November 2008


I am so ridiculously proud of my speech contest kids.

My 2nensei and my 3nensei both came first.

And EVERYONE is talking about my 2nensei. I saw her perform at the end and she just blew me away. She had my British accent spot on. People knew she was my student the minute she said the word 'can't'.


I really hope my schools with change the schedule around so I can see them perform in the prefectural contest!!



Thursday 6 November 2008

Well that didn't last long!!

After just one day of respecting Americans, they have lost it!!!

Californians have banned gay marriage....it wasn't even that long since the law was passed that homosexuals could marry!!!

And there I was thinking how open minded Americans had become by putting a black man in power.

Instead, they're just picking on someone else.

Back to hating!!


Wednesday 5 November 2008


I wasn't able to tear myself away from the internet..whenever I wasn't in a lesson that is.

By lunchtime, Obama already had 297 electoral votes.

I could feel myself well up. I'm not even American, but this is a truly significant day in world history.

And it has also changed my opinions of Americans. I think this is the same for a lot of people.

I just can't believe. A black man is the most powerful man in the world. A BLACK man!!!!!

Although, I was speaking to my brother earlier and he echoed what a lot of articles have been saying. White supremist groups voted Obama. Because they know that things are going to get worse before they get better. And during the shitty period, they are going to place the blame on Obama.

I was reading articles online about people who have labelled Obama as the 'black Jesus'. They were reports of people (especially African Americans) who honestly believe that now Obama is President, all their problems are just going to magically disappear.

Pressure? Just a bit!

But I am so excited for America right now. They have taken a massive step to rectify the mess that Bush has created during his 8 years in office.

I wish him well.



When people think of Japan, they think of Tokyo. Loads of people, fashion and electronics.
Okinawa is the other side of Japan. This is me on Yokomaehama Beach, Miyako-jima. This is the No.1 beach in Japan and it's not difficult to see why. With its gorgeous white sands and clear turquoise water, it is hard to believe that this is part of Japan.

We spent 5 days on the island. There really isn't very much there except for sugar cane fields and beaches. It's not the kind of place that you go to if you want vibrant nightlife - the bars here are small and the club we went to was supposedly busy...with less than 30 people inside.

I have to hand it to Okinawa though - the people are so laid back and chilled. This is so rare to see in Japan and it just made the time there so relaxing!!

I would definitely love to go back and try out one of the other islands. While we were in Miyako-jima, we did a few water sports, including parasailing, snorkelling and windsurfing. The latter I totally sucked at...but it was good fun anyway!!

I'm gonna post the rest of the pics on Facebook, so you can check the album out there!


So the latest on my MP3....

....I got to Hong Kong, plugged it in......and...


So I have to start all over from scratch. All 7000 songs. It's gonna take forever to download.

But I'm not so angry anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, I AM still pissed but I've decided to look at it as a cleansing of my music collection.

And trying not to think about the irreplaceable stuff.
