“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 15 November 2008

Seriously Hot Legs

All these classes I'm doing at the gym are really paying off. So is the swimming.

My legs are looking even more toned than usual. And are getting REALLY strong and defined.

The classes I do at the gym are aerobics, step aerobics and aqua aerobics.

The aqua aerobics is doing wonders for toning my arms.

When I can, I go to another aerobics class which isn't at the gym and is seriously intense. It leaves me DRENCHED in sweat. What I don't like about that class is that it's not in a gym so there are no shower facilities. Nice!

But I am still stuffing my face with whatever crap I can lay my hands on to make sure that I don't lose weight.

I told you this before - I wanna tone up and get fit. Not lose weight. Not that I've actually stepped on the scales to check.

I really enjoy going to these classes. The old women in them are soooo cute. And today in the step class I actually saw a couple of people I know. This woman made me feel bad in the changing room afterwards because she said that she felt so embarrassed standing next to me because her whole body was going south. If you know what I mean. I told her not to be stupid. At least she wasn't making a retard of herself with the simple step moves!!!


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