“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 11 November 2008

This Is For You Girl

This is a message just for Tori.

She says she's going through an emotional turmoil with me.

That's because I'm going through an emotional turmoil!! A complete headfuck.

But I did forget to blog about something I saw on Sunday.

It's really gross though. So it's not really the happy note you wanted girl but it will def make you go EEUUUUWWWWW

So I was on the bus in Fukuoka stuck in traffic. You know how you just look around and stuff.....and I ended up looking down into the car that was driving along next to the bus.

There was a guy in there fiddling with something in his lap. I was like 'Damn, he's seriously struggling there....'

And then the traffic moved on and as he put both hands on the steering wheel, I saw it....

....and erect penis!!

The dirty bastard was having a wank in his car!!!! As soon as the traffic stopped again he was back at it. I was twisting my face in disgust when he looked up and saw me. And then the fool tried to drive off and moved a couple of centimetres forward...duh...you're stuck in traffic and I can STILL see you!!!

I mean , seriously!!!! He couldn't wait?!?!

That image has haunted me since. And still makes me twist my face up in disgust.

LOL - not exactly a happy note but not a depressing one either!!!!

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