“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 6 November 2008

Well that didn't last long!!

After just one day of respecting Americans, they have lost it!!!

Californians have banned gay marriage....it wasn't even that long since the law was passed that homosexuals could marry!!!

And there I was thinking how open minded Americans had become by putting a black man in power.

Instead, they're just picking on someone else.

Back to hating!!



Anonymous said...

Hahaha! you took the words out of my mouth!

Anonymous said...

This is still a pretty hotly debated topic just about everywhere. Eventually civil rights will win this battle in the States as well, just give it time. Keep in mind that even in the lovely UK, civil partnerships have been legally recognized for less than three years... and support for it wins by a slim margin, whereas support for Prop 8 won by a pretty slim margin as well.

Disappointing, sure, but hardly a reason to proclaim hatred for over 300 million people.

Here are some interesting (I think) statistics based on exit polls. Obviously Y is a vote for the ban, N is a vote for civil rights.

Afr. Americans: 70% Y ... 30% N
Age 18-29: 39% Y ... 61% N
Uni Graduates: 47% Y ... 53% N
w/ Postgrad: 40% Y ... 60% N
Democrats: 36% Y ... 64% N
Republicans: 82% Y ... 18% N
Optimistic if Obama is Elected: 37% Y ... 63% N
Protestants: 65% Y ... 35% N
Catholics: 64% Y ... 36% N
No Religion: 10% Y ... 90% N
Married w/ Kids: 68% Y ... 32% N
Gun Owners: 62% Y ... 38% N
