“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 29 May 2009

Setting The Wheels In Motion

You know what, it took me like over an hour to book a reasonable place to stay in Tokyo.

Man, what a mission!

I've had to dorm it again. Most of the cheaper hotels are all in Asakusa, but seeing as the area that I'm gonna be flathunting in is Nishi-Shinjuku, it would be too far to commute.

So I'm staying in Ikebukuro instead. I'm not really a fan of north Tokyo. Or North anywhere for that matter! But it's only like 8 mins to Shinjuku and costs only 2,500yen a night. Which is only 300 yen more than what I was paying for a bed in a dorm in Kyoto.

I don't have issues with dorms. I really am only gonna be sleeping there after all. I can share showers and toilets. Obviously, I'd rather not but when it's a case of paying 2,500 yen a night or 7,000, then I really don't care.

I've decided to go on the Thursday night so that I can have 2 completely full days there. I already know that I'm gonna be absolutely knackered by the end of it because it's gonna be a whole load of walking around. Mainly to scope out areas and see what they have in terms of gyms and stuff, but I will be looking at a few places as well. The problem is with the places that I'm going to look at, is that they may not be available when I want them. But I can't leave everything to the last minute and then only go up there once in July. That's pushing it too close. I can use this time to check out different areas that I wasn't considering before as well.

So much to do in such a short amount of time.

But what can you do, eh?


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