“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 18 May 2009

Swine Flu

There was another massive meeting about swine flu this morning. The 3nensei kids are supposed to be going on a school trip to Kyoto at the end of the month. The 2nensei kids are supposed to be going on a school trip to Fukuoka.

Both have now been cancelled.

They are so panicked by this first case in Kansai. And they were telling is not to take any unnecessary trips to big cities. Especially Fukuoka. Being an international city, they are convinced it's gonna hit there next.

Not go to Fukuoka?


Not that I'm not taking this swine flu business seriously. Of course I am. But Japan has a tendency to panic a little bit too quickly. Like that whole business with the protesters in Thailand just before Christmas. Even though they were called off before I left, my teachers were still worried and telling me that I could die.

So could you if you walked outside and got knocked down by a car. Much more likely with this country's reckless drivers.

I remember coming back and one of them said to me 'so, you didn't die then?'

Evidently not.

I just feel sorry for the kids. They've been talking about these trips for ages. There's a massive meeting tonight with the teachers coz some of the parents don't think that the trip should be cancelled. If they're that worried, they should just postpone it til September. There's that week where we're gonna get like 4 days off in a day. They should just go then instead of cancelling the whole thing.


1 comment:

William Milberry said...

I completely agree with you.

I worked at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Department of Biomedical Informatics (say that 10 times fast) for 6 years with researchers who studied pathology and the spread of disease.

Swine flu is just a different strain of flu, it's not a plague or really worse than the flu that made the rounds this past Winter. Humans and animals have often interchanged airborne illnesses (pigs catch human flu too.)

I wish the Japanese would put this energy into sneeze guards at buffets and better training for nurses who draw blood without wearing gloves!

Sorry for the long comment.