“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 26 November 2011

The Best Yet!!

OMG I am more hooked on GG than ever!

Hands down - season 5 just smashes all the other seasons out of the water! I have NEVER reacted this much to this show and I am so effing excited for what I think is gonna happen next!

And all I can say about it is YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

As you can see I am spending my Saturday off work very productively - HAHAHA!!

I knew it was going to happen like this anyway - I knew I would be too hungover to actually do any studying. I have a whole fridge full of food too and I just can't be arsed to cook. Not that I can stomach much to be honest - feeling very, very rough.

I had a blast at ageHa last night - I just wish it wasn't so cold so I could've enjoyed the dancehall outside a bit more. They changed things around now so ALL of the dancefloors are literally just that - for dancing. You can't even take your drinks onto them anymore. It's kinda nice coz it means no one is gonna spill anything on your shoes but it's weird not having a drink in your hand.

Got the last bus back to Shibuya at 5 and finally made it back to my house shortly before 7am. Haven't done that for a long time and I am certainly feeling my age! LOL!

And as usual it was one of those things where I barely slept, so I am really feeling this hangover now. >_< Definitely gonna be a lazy one for me!


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