“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 19 November 2011

The Next Step

Kk, so I've been thinking a lot recently about my next step.

In light of recent events, I have decided that I've pretty much hit as far as I'm gonna go in my current company. The position I want is out of my reach and even though I understand that you have to start somewhere and work your way up to the top, but when it means spending a minimum of a year in a position that I just don't want and have no interest in, it's not worth it.

There are other people who would love to take the position so I'll leave it for those who want it. I don't wanna end up hating my job. It's one of those things as well, that I would be taking a pay cut and restricting myself in so many other ways so something that I don't want for a REALLY long time.

Not on it.

So I've decided to focus my energies on what I came here for. 

I've been saying over and over again that I can't move on until I get my Japanese proficiency to the next level, but I've been thinking a lot and I've realised that there's a lot of other things that I can be doing in the meantime. I mean, at the moment, I'm not learning ANYTHING and I'm not feel ANY sense of self development.

And I really don't like that.

What's the point of doing something where you can't learn, develop and grow?

That's what I'm saying - I've hit a peak and I've been knocked back when I've tried to take it to the next step. For no other reason than my strong personality.

Don't even go there - it makes me mad even thinking about it. Actually, it doesn't make me mad....just confused. But I'm over it. The whole thing with moving up anyway.

So, what is the next step?

I was getting around to updating my CV and I realised that even though I have 4 years of teaching experience, I have no official teaching qualification. Anyone can come here and teach English so at the end of the day, just having that experience on your CV means absolutely NOTHING. If I decided to go and teach in HK, for example, I wouldn't even make it to the interview...purely for the lack of an official qualification.

4 years is a long time and I don't want that time to be meaningless. I don't want it to just be wiped out and looked over.

So I've decided to do my CELTA. Trust me, I really don't wanna do it but I need to have SOMETHING to make all this work I've done stand out and actually be respected. 

I was looking at the courses in Japan. Of course, this country has to make it impossible! The only centre is in Kobe and they ONLY offer the part time course - once a week for 3 months. It wouldn't have been so bad it was the usual intensive one month course because I would be able to transfer to Kobe with my company and then it wouldn't matter paying rent on 2 places for a month. And I'd still be able to work and earn something. But 3 months?! It's too long to be paying rent on 2 places and I don't like the idea of a stranger taking over my place with all my stuff still in it. Unless any of my lovely friends want to?!

 3 months just isn't feasible. Not only that but the course fee (with the exam fees) is a whopping £2700!!! It's between £1000-1500 everywhere else! Well, actually it's super expensive in Singapore too but whatever. Where they get the nerve to charge double over here is beyond me!

So I've basically narrowed it down to 2 choices and I really can't decide which is best.

As I'm going home next year, I was thinking about just staying on and doing it while I'm back. The pros? I wouldn't have to pay for accommodation and would be able to shop at Tesco for ages!!! The cons? I would have travel expenses and if I went home for just a month, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the Olympics. If I decide to go back to the UK for 5 or 6 weeks, then I would hardcore suffer the next month when I get paid. That's a long time to not be working....

The second choice is Bangkok or Phuket. The course fee is £1500 and that includes accommodation for the month. In Bangkok it would be a studio apartment and in Phuket it would kinda be like uni halls. Think I like the idea of Bangkok better and it would be cheaper to get to...not to mention the cost of living there is considerably lower as well.

If I went to Thailand though, I would definitely have to cut out one of the other big holidays...actually maybe a couple of the big holidays that I was planning next year. I love the idea of having the new experience of living in another country as well. It's just that I wanna enjoy my time back home so I would definitely have to go back for longer than a month. And during the Olympic period, everything is just gonna be so manic and expensive. As much as I love London, I really f****** hate tourists. And the school that I would be doing the course at is in...wait for it...COVENT GARDEN!!! Could you get any more annoyingly central?! There are CELTA courses in other locations - even super close to my parents house but they are either part time courses (over 22 weeks) or they don't have flexible start dates.

Really not sure what the best choice is. It would be hard to be back in London and not be able to spend as much time as I would like with friends because the course is hardcore. 9-5.15 every day. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad given the hours that I do here.

Definitely a lot to think about. I'm really not sure what to do. What do you think? UK or Thailand?



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