“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 1 November 2011

What Are The Odds?!

Here in Tokyo, it's kinda rare for someone to just randomly approach me walking in the station and ask me out.

It happens when I'm standing still, it happens in clubs and it happens anytime a guy has consumed enough booze to have the courage to do so.

I was walking from the Odakyu line to the Oedo line in Shinjuku station on my way home from work, when suddenly this runty looking sleazeball of a guy comes slithering up to me and was like "Excuse me, did you just finish work? Do you want to have dinner with me?" I was so kinda thrown and then looking at his greasiness that I just came straight out with "英語分からない" (I don't speak English). It's actually something I've been saying a lot recently, purely out of annoyance that Japanese people automatically assume that all foreigners in Japan speak English. Even if most of them do, that's just not the point. 

He the proceeded to ask me the same question in Japanese. I knew that answering in Japanese would lead to some kind of conversation with me trying to get rid of him, so I thought I was being super smart replying with "Nao falo nada de japones" (Portuguese for: I don't speak any Japanese). Feeling slightly smug inside and increasing my pace intending to fabulously walk off, you can imagine my shock and horror when he turned around and replied to me IN PORTUGUESE, "You're Brazilian?! WOW! How beautiful/sexy you are!" 

Man, I was left absolutely dumbstruck. What are the odds of some Japanese guy randomly asking you out AND being able to speak Portuguese! I was like are you F****** kidding me?! I swear that kind of thing would only happen to me! I had no idea what to do, so I just decided to pull a face, ignore him and walk without looking back to see if he was going in the same direction. I was waiting for my train just shaking my head and kinda laughing to myself at what had just happened.

It's actually kinda awesome! HAHA! Doesn't matter whether I'm Brazilian or not - just the fact that I tried to be smart and it COMPLETELY backfired on me is hilarious! And so typical that I would be the one to run into someone that speaks Portuguese. Definitely gave me a giggle to add to the rest that I've had today. 

Awesome day at work - I love presenting so much. =) And I found out today, that there is always an open place for me in head office to join the team there. It's always good to know that you're wanted and valued. I wish more people would look at me the way those guys do!


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