“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 30 November 2011


It was a real struggle to get out of bed and get to the gym this morning.

I literally had to drag myself there.

Of course, I'm always glad I went after, but it's been a while and my whole body was feeling tired after a hardcore aqua aero workout. 

After the gym I decided to hit up TESCO. Of course, it's not as good as Tesco back home but it does have a few bits and pieces in there - not at the same price of course! I only intended to pick up a couple of things, but it turned into an 1man spree, with my basket being loaded up with GINGER NUTS, CUSTARD CREAMS, SHORTBREAD BISCUITS, TESCO FINEST SAUCES, FRUIT N FIBRE CEREAL, not to mention copious amounts of meat and fish.

There was no way that I could get all that stuff back to my place, so I jumped in a cab.

My fridge is HEAVING. YAY! Why did I go so overboard? I'm hoping that all the food I have will force me to stop eating all three meals out. I spend so much money every day on food - it's so unnecessary! And with my trip coming up and my plans for next February, I can't afford to be throwing money around like that. And with all this food, I know I will feel guilty about eating out so much, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to discipline myself a bit better. Plus, I'll be on holiday from the 22nd and there's no way I'm gonna be throwing all this stuff out, so.......

Gonna start looking up some interesting recipes right now! 

I should be studying but hey - whatever! I've decided not to stress myself out about the JLPT on Sunday. Regardless of the results, I'm gonna be taking the test again next summer, so I'm just gonna relax, make sure I get plenty of rest and drink Red Bull - advice courtesy of my teacher. Sounds good to me!


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