“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 26 November 2011


My goodness me, my head is pounding.

I haven't even been able to relax today either - I was enjoy a nice long shower and the doorbell started going crazy. I ignored it the first couple of times, but someone was just not giving up.

My roommate didn't tell me that we had engineers coming over today to change all these thingies that we have in the ceiling. Then they're like oh, we're going to change the air con units. I'm like all of them!? And they were like, no just one. When I asked them which one, they didn't have a clue. We have 5 air con units in our house so they were fart arsing around trying to figure out what was going on and then I had some other guys banging and drilling about. 

If that was annoying enough, the air con guy is still here! I'm like man it takes you 2 hours to change an air con unit?! Really?! I just wish he would hurry up and f*** off so that I can have a bit of peace and quiet. Not quite the relaxing, slobbing around day off that I had planned.

Not happy.

And my head is pounding.


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