“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Thieving BASTARDS!!!

Them student loads lot are right f******!!!

Despite the fact that I sent my Income Assessment Form in on time, they still took the £300 penalty from my account.

I've never made a phone call that fast!

The woman straight up admitted that my application was received in PLENTY of time and that money shouldn't have been taken out. Apparently I will get a refund on that.

The next crap bit? Coz I managed to clear a very nice salary over the last 3 months, they are trying to tell me that my monthly repayments are 15x higher than what I was paying last year!! I hadn't received confirmation in the post, but when she told me what I would be repaying over the phone, I just shrieked.


I actually sent in 6 months payslips, but they wanted the most recent 3 months. Which were the 3 months where I reaped crap loads of bonuses and extra work. They didn't even take into account that those 3 months weren't my normal salary - as they could see from the other payslips which were less than half that amount. Oh no, they just took those 3 months and calculated my repayments from that. 

Absolutely livid, but they are outright not gonna reduce the payments. They will only calculate it based on those 3 months - regardless of what I've earned for the rest of the year. 




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