“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 14 November 2011

Done, Done and DONE

Going to an all girl schools, I'm no stranger to bitchy two-facedness and liars.

I saw it every day and was on the receiving end on a couple of occasions.

Everyone is bitchy at some point. Everyone slags someone off at some point.

But for me and people around me, when we get that chance to honestly express how we feel, we take that chance - the consequences being what they may.

It's a shame more people aren't as honest.

I've recently witnessed something which has COMPLETELY changed the way I look at 2 people. I overheard something and then watched as they sat back and so openly lied in front of other people instead of owning up and telling the truth.

So, so disappointed in them - I can't express enough. What I thought were such beautiful people just turned out to be just so, so ugly. I can't bear to watch this kind of two-facedness and I most certainly do not abide by lies and bitchy behaviour. It's unacceptable and I have completely lost my respect for them. I actually feel kinda betrayed by them too, knowing that they are that ugly on the inside. I don't surround myself with people like that and people who are around me and know me well, know that these are the two qualities that I despise most in people.

It's also a reminder to just watch my back because at the end of the day, people are just not what you think they are.

They're more spineless than you could ever imagine.

Shame on you ladies. Shame on you.


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