“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 1 December 2011


I've never been good at eating in moderation.

But today was an exception!

I cooked 3 humungous meals at the same time last night and when I finished work today, I got home and was absolutely STARVING!!

BUT it was after 10pm and we all know that eating a crap load of carbs at that time is a recipe for disaster. So I was good and only had a small portion, followed by yoghurt.

I'm not joking though - it's coming up to 11.30pm and I am fighting the urge to polish off the whole lot. I'm not even hungry - peckish maybe, but it's coz I know it's there....waiting to be shovelled down....I can't stop thinking about it.....

BUT NO! I'm not gonna do it....I'm gonna treat myself to a HUGE cooked breakfast tomorrow morning instead. That is, if I can get up early enough to make it! I wanna wash my hair in the morning too, so it's definitely gonna be a tight one, but I have so much awesome food in the fridge that would make an amazing hearty breakfast guaranteed to fix me up until lunch.

Drooling at the thought of it already. Such a pie! Muahahahaahhaa!

Night lovelies.


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