“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 December 2011

Laos: From The Beginning

Hey guys!! Hope you all had a fantabulous Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year!

So right now we're in Luang Prabang - no joke - this country is truly magical but I'm going to start from the beginning for you! I started keeping my blog on paper - not that that lasted long but here's what I had!!

22nd December:

After a mad day of travelling, we've finally made it to Laos.

Narita airport was absolute madness this morning. Last year when I went to Australia, I left on the 19th December so I obviously missed the peak of the airport rush. When we arrived, we were literally gawping at the queue for the ANA check-in counter. I swear, I have never seen anything like it. We flew Thai airways which wasn't as bad but we still had a 40 minute wait.

Thai airlines...man, what a DISAPPOINTMENT! I don't know why, but I had the impression that it would be an awesome airline. Not only were we surrounded by coughing, spluttering and snoring Japanese businessmen, there were NO individual screens on the seats, so we spent the 6hr 45 min flight absolutely BORED SHITLESS! The movie that was showing on the main screen was cack - plus I couldn't really see it anyway. My friend and I resorted to practicing kanji, drawing animals (he does the BEST lion) and playing hangman - all of which we tired of very quickly. The first meal was just OK, but our "snack", about an hour before we landed, was this shitty sandwich - one with processed meat and the other was stinking tuna! And you all KNOW how I feel about tuna! That one went straight back to the attendant - right before the monster next to me let out a tuna burp! Eeeuuuuwwww!!!!

On the plus side though, when we were disembarking, the attendant in first class gave me a spare flight comfort pack! I will definitely make use of that on the way home!

We had a layover in Bangkok where we headed straight to Mango Tree for some yummy Thai food. Then it was off to Boots to pick up some Ibruprofen! Don't laugh- we all know that Japanese painkillers suck- definitely goingto stock up on more on the way back.

Arriving in Laos was much smoother than expected and the strength of the yen has made us super rich! We arrived at our luxury boutique hotel to find out that our room had been upgraded. It's absolutely huge but doesn't have the "luxurious" feel that you would expect looking at the reception area. I guess that's how it always goes in this part of the world though.

We haven't made any concrete plans so I'm just looking forward to mooching about and taking my time to see the sights tomorrow.


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