“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 12 December 2011

The X Factor 2011

I have been way behind everyone else this year with the X Factor. 

I only started watching it like a week ago, but completely caught up and I have just finished the final. 

Good for you girls! It's fantastic that a group finally won, but it's even better than it was a non-slutty looking girl group! Truth be told, I was actually rooting for the complete HOTTIE that is Marcus, but hey, fair play. The girls were great. And my friend told me he was gay anyway! LOL!

No really - well done Little Mix! I absolutely adored their renditions of Nicki Minaj and En Vogue. I loved the fact too that they weren't all slagged up to the nines like the girl groups normally are. It defintiely makes them more relatable. Seeing them perform with Tulisa as well - she got to prove that she could sing too.

So what did we all think of the contestants this year?!

Misha B over Amelia Lily any day. But I can kinda get why the public wouldn't connect with her. That level of talent combined with that level of confidence can put a lot of people off. There's no denying though that she was absolutely incredible and rumour has it, she has been signed by no other than Missy. GET IN GIRL!

Amelia Lily - yeh, she can sing....apart from when she decides to absolutely shout her way through most of the songs. I always have to turn down the volume when she's on. Not feeling her at all really!

Sophie - one word - YAWN!!! Could anyone be more boring?!

Janet - absolutely, 100% cannot STAND that girl's voice! Remember Rebecca last year? Now HER voice was unique in a stunning way. Janet's was unique in a way that made me skip through her performance...EVERY TIME. HATE IT. And her! LOL!

Craig - amazing talent but he would never have won.

Frankie - annoying weak voice. I always wanted him to be better than he actually was. Love a rebel though!

That other boy that was the first one kicked off. The fact that I can't remember his name shows how memorable he was.

Kitty - hated her. And loved her at the same time! Incredible voice but horrid personality and her costumes....you're not Lady G lovey!

Johnny - tried to hate him but I warmed to him after a bit! Love his sense of humour - he had me cracking up every time he was on!

Sami - another YAWN! Like Sophie, she has a great voice and nothing else. Skipped through her performances as well - mainly coz the song choice was terrible. Poor girl didn't really stand a chance with Louis as her mentor.

Jonjo - really EFFING YAWN!

2 Shoes - LOVED them! How hilarious are those girls! And that one had lipstick all over her face at the end of their first performance! LOL!

Nu Vibe - young and annoying. Nothing special.

The Risk - yeh, they weren't too bad actually. Great vocals - I actually thought there were gonna go a lot further. 

And so it's over for another year. And now I'm going to have to start on The X Factor US just to stop myself from watching ANTM without my girl here! ANTM night part 2 is going down next Monday! GET IN!


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