“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 5 December 2011

ANTM Night!

Uffffff...I am SO stuffed!

But I had an absolute blast tonight!

My girl came over for dinner, dessert, wine and most importantly....

....cycle 17 of ANTM!!!

Good Lord! If you could have heard us shouting at the TV! You would have thought we were crazy! LOL! Definitely makes a change from shouting at the TV by myself that's for sure!

On the menu tonight was: squid, avocado and mushroom salad, tomato and avocado salad and then a chicken and vegetable stir fry with rice. Accompanied with a few glasses of rose and then homemade brownies and Haagen Daaz  (how do you spell that?!) ice cream for dessert.

The brownies came out the oven and my girl was like "Shall I cut these into 6?" 

LOL! "You pie!!! Cut them into 12!!!"

Not that it really made much difference - we ended up scoffing 2 each anyway! Now I'm stuffed and feeling a little bit sick. They were cooked perfectly - moist and gooey and awesome.


Now I can't watch anymore of ANTM until she comes back!

That's OK though - I need to catch up with the X Factor before everyone REALLY starts spoiling it for me on Facebook!

Great way to spend a Monday evening.

Thanks girl.


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