“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 December 2011

Luang Prabang

And that brings me up to today - 30th December.

Luang Prabang is a magical place. So lush and green. We went swimming in a waterfall in Pakse and as gorgeous as it was, I have a feeling that the waterfalls up here are going to be even more gorgeous and amazing!

Even arriving in Luang Prabang yu can feel the difference. You can see from the off that this place receives way more tourists - there are way more restaurants, guest houses, and people! The biggest shock regarding the tourists is seeing how many families are here. You wouldn't think that Laos would be a popular family destination but they are literally everywhere! It's kinda annoying because some of these kids look way too young to appreciate where they are. Or how lucky they are to be in such a beautiful place as this!

We went around the night market last night. I bought these cute, humungous and ultra squishy slippers which are going to be perfect in those cold winter nights in Tokyo! Of course I loaded up on Lao silk scarves - absolutely love them and the colours are so vibrant.

Today we're taking it easy - we're gonna take a walk around the city and then make some plans about what to do with the rest of the time here. There are so many options with different things to do so it's a little overwhelming, but we've decided to hit the adventure stuff - mountain biking, maybe a bit of kayaking. I want to go to the elephant village but I don't believe in riding them. I guess I'll just see exactly what's going down before I make a decision about that!

More to come!


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