“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 10 December 2011

Retro Sweets

I got an Xmas stocking from my lil sis delivered today.

And it was rammed full of retro sweets!

When I say retro sweets, I'm talking about all those kind of penny sweets and stuff that you could buy in the newsagent back in the day when we were kids. I had no idea you could even buy some of this stuff anymore! 

So what kind of retro sweets am I talking about?

Sherbert dip dab

Sherbert fountain - you know the one - the liquorice stick in a whole load of sherbert

Candy sticks - I remember I used to pretend they were cigarettes!

Rainbow drops

Fizz Wizz - that popping candy that you pour into your mouth and it makes all those crackling noises

Drumsticks - guaranteed to make your jaw ache from all the chewing

Love hearts and the love heart lipstick shaped one. Classic.

Sherbert powder lolly

Pink shrimps - I still LOVE those!!

Rainbow dust - a tube full of what is basically flavoured sugar

Fried eggs

Those pink and blue bubblegum flavoured fizzy bottles

A range of fizzy gummy sweets

A humungous gobstopper

Fizzers and parma violets - never was a fan of the latter

Old school gum balls

Candy necklaces and bracelets

Blackjacks and fruit salads - again, never was a fan of the latter

Amazing right? A whole stocking of stuff guaranteed to rot my teeth and make me fat.

I am gonna be hitting the gym so hard next year, I swear! I dunno what's happened over the last 6 months - I've just gotten so lazy!


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