“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 5 March 2012


Uffffff.....this first day back at work has been an absolute disaster.

I got up on time......and forgot that I can't faff around in the morning like I was doing in Bangkok. Got to the station, forgot I needed to renew my commuter pass and missed the train.

Coming up to 2 years at my current company and I haven't been late once.


Get to work and kicked straight off with sales. All good....a month outta work and the minute I step back into it, I remember all the reasons why it was doing my head in before I left to do my CELTA. 


Knackered and I really thought I'd be able to continue my red bull-free streak back here...but I have a feeling I'm gonna be right back on it tomorrow. 

The crap stuff....

Clients I thought were gonna finish their course while I was away, thus never having to lay eyes on them again, have renewed. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

My office is relocating in May, making my commute that little bit longer. DOH!

I had pretty much a morning of clients that I seriously can't stand, that I just wanna slam my stiletto in the middle of their forehead. >_<

The good stuff.....

I got to go to lunch with my fabulous coworker and share CELTA stories, talk about future options and just have a fantabulous time.

Gave up on work early and came home - and now I have to do my damn tax returns and sort through this pile of bills on the table. Great. This is not part of the good stuff by the way!!!!

I just want the damn rain to stop!! It's so depressing (T T). I'll take the sweat of the summer any day!!!


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