“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 4 March 2012

Reflection Time

I'm sitting in my apartment back in Tokyo and it feels weird. When I arrived back at the airport late last night, I was having seriously mixed feelings about being back. Should I stay here? Should I think about moving on?

And then I looked out the window and took in the Tokyo night view.

It's stunning. It really is stunning. 

And then I smiled.

I'm home. (*^_^*)

It feels like I never left, but at the same time it feels like I've been away for ages.

One month.

How time flies! I'm staring at my case and can remember packing it to leave for Bangkok like it was yesterday.

Today I was lying in bed for hours, just having that necessary reflection time about everything that's happened over the last month.

The last 2 weeks of the course were so busy, but after I finished on Wednesday, it was all about unwinding every night and lightly suffering every morning. And then it gets to the last night.....it's the last chance you have to do something that you've been wanting to do from the beginning....it's the last chance you have to say something that's boiled up over the duration of the month.

What did I do?

I'm not telling you.

What did I say?

I'm not telling you.

But everything is playing on my mind and leaving me with this really bizarre sense of confusion and to be honest, I really can't work out what it is.....what it means.....either way, I guess it doesn't really matter now, but I feel kinda....grrrrrr....about having something/someone in my head.

Doh! That definitely wasn't supposed to happen! I truly honestly thought I would just go in every day, do my thing and then come back and pick up exactly where I left off. I wasn't expecting to make friends and it's a really nice surprise.

Better than nice.

But then it ends with the same sense of frustration that I always seem to be left with every time I leave Japan. Why can't this person be in the same country as me?!?!?! 

Same old story.

Uffffff....guess I should crack on with this unpacking. 


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