“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 11 March 2012

Pray For Japan

I've been dreading this day for over a month.

When I was in Bangkok, I was wishing that I didn't have to come back to Japan until after this date.

March 11th.

The one year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami disaster that brought Japan to its knees.

And took the lives of 8 of my friends.

(T T)

So young. Such a cruel way to go.

And now I have to live life for all of us.

I was on the train at 2.56 on my way home from work. The train stopped between stations as we had a 1 minute silence to remember. 

I lost it.

The tears just started falling as I remembered how it felt when the earthquake first hit. As I remembered how it felt as I got news of my friends one by one. As I remembered how it felt when my legs gave way beneath me and crumpled to the ground. As I remembered the horror at seeing the footage on TV - and then the feeling of my heart breaking for all the people of Tohoku as the magnitude of the disaster unfolded. What happened in Tokyo isn't even a fraction of what happened up north.

Such vivid memories.Such raw pain that has come rising to the surface.

I'm avoiding the news today. I don't want to see the images played over and over again.

All those people who have lost their homes and living in evacuation centres. All those people who lost their lives. All those people who risked their own lives at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to save ours. Such heroes.

And lastly to my dear, dear friends. 

Gone, but not forgotten.


I love you.


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